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Sheila | all galleries >> Galleries >> Birds > Australian Pelican
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Australian Pelican

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rocky16-Oct-2008 20:34
Very nice details with texture and lighting. Very handsome bird! BV!
MarcWildPassion12-Nov-2007 00:10
OK I'll not post anymore Australian pelican : Nice close shot !
Ann Pettigrew27-Feb-2007 04:50
I love the soft pink color of its bill. My friend and I got similar shots of Brown Pelicans in Florida last month. Much different!
Guest 22-Feb-2006 21:22
coaster03-Jan-2006 05:27
Great shot.
Guest 04-Dec-2005 10:11
Very nice crop and detail on the Pelican - voted
Guest 27-Nov-2005 15:37
Excellent This is a great one! VOTED
Günter Hofstädter15-Nov-2005 21:01
wow, the details are incredible !
steve mcsweeny12-Oct-2005 22:53
WOW! A macro of a pelican:) Awesome detail,just perfect! Vote.
Guest 10-Oct-2005 08:19
Gorgeous look and feel shot! My vote! :o)
Mindy McNaugher21-Sep-2005 00:30
Stunning shot! The textures you've captured with that light are spectacular! Wonderful details and crop too!