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Sheila | all galleries >> Galleries >> Footworks > B L I N G
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Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel ,Canon EF 50mm f/1.8
1/10s f/3.5 at 50.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 07-Oct-2005 07:45
Beautiful beads design on the shoes.. :o) and the size looks big or perhaps it's just a close-up one.. :o)
Guest 29-Sep-2005 10:04
India.. you got to come here to get the best of the lot!! :))
its a superb Pro Still life capture... some store could use it as a commercial :)
cheers Sheila
Karen Stuebing25-Aug-2005 10:21
These are so pretty I'd be afraid to wear them. :) Wonderful background and detail.
shatterbug25-Aug-2005 06:26
Nice shot...looks like somebody spent a lot of time making those shoes!
steve mcsweeny25-Aug-2005 06:19
They sure have pop:),nice comp,awesome color!
Brian McAllister25-Aug-2005 06:01
Nicely done.
Marc Baumser24-Aug-2005 21:07
beautiful image with great color and composition. I think I'd have liked to the heel of the top shoe and the tip of the bottom shoe more in focus (more dof). overall great image
b-w studio24-Aug-2005 18:34
very beautiful color and lighting.
laine8224-Aug-2005 16:58
Oh, yummy shoes. Very nice & love the rich background that really sets them off.
Guest 24-Aug-2005 14:30
tap tap tap nice one tap tap tap
Gary Hebert24-Aug-2005 14:03
very interesting footwear Sheila... like the creative composition.. would like to see with more dof... :)
beverley harrison24-Aug-2005 13:36
new shoes? very pretty!