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Scott Little23-Mar-2013 01:46
Great! V
laine01-Mar-2013 10:10
That's marvelous...Getting a big VOTE
Martin Lamoon01-Mar-2013 08:40
Superb capture, those wings must be beating fast. v
shatterbug01-Mar-2013 07:22
Fabulous...what a great light capture!
Carl Carbone01-Mar-2013 04:14
Super work! (and patience!)
Helen Betts28-Feb-2013 23:54
Great motion of the wings, and the body so very sharp. Excellent capture, Sheila!
Karen Stuebing28-Feb-2013 22:54
The clarity along with the motion blur and isolation make this simply stunning. V.
Al Chesworth28-Feb-2013 21:54
WOW what a shot.
Johnny JAG28-Feb-2013 20:40
Wonderful catch.
Bill Miller28-Feb-2013 18:49
Tremendous and well timed flying dragon.
Nick Paoni28-Feb-2013 15:38
Well done
Tom Munson28-Feb-2013 15:22
Beautiful flight shot,. Sheila!
Stephanie28-Feb-2013 11:35
Dang!!! This is fantastic Sheila! Your focus is exceptional! :))
Yvonne28-Feb-2013 10:21
Wonderful action shot Sheila! v
Irene Wehrli28-Feb-2013 09:27
Stunning capture Sheila - well done!
Irena Jurecic28-Feb-2013 07:27
Wow! Great shot! It is difficult to catch it in flying in the air. V
Kathy Thompson28-Feb-2013 07:20
Fantastic Shiela, big V.
rousselziak28-Feb-2013 07:00
WoW ! Fantastic shot ! -V-
joanteno28-Feb-2013 06:47
Wow amazing shot
Fong Lam28-Feb-2013 06:44
Amazing action shot, Shiela.....the wing movements are so well captured...V
Chris28-Feb-2013 06:32
WOW! That is stunning Sheila. You must have been exceptionally patient or exceptionally lucky! Fantastic!