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Stormy weather again

and it will be worse tomorrow.
But it was exhilarating down at the beach today.

I feel for the 110,000 homes without power due to the storms and tornadoes.

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Brian Samuel12-Jun-2012 18:36
Wipe-out! Huge power, very nicely done.
Steve Morris12-Jun-2012 15:51
Full of power and I love the green tinge!!BV
Guest 12-Jun-2012 01:04
Exciting stormy action and a great catch.
Hope you and yours stay safe through the wild weather you are having.
Karen Stuebing11-Jun-2012 21:52
A lot of energy in that crashing sea. Perfect timing and dramatic photo. V.
J. Scott Coile11-Jun-2012 21:31
Phillip Normanton11-Jun-2012 21:12
Very powerful - and I really like the bit of light shining through the wave... :)
laine11-Jun-2012 20:11
Those 125km make that a dangerous place to be...great shot, but I'm surprised you could hold the camera so steady :o)
Colin Storey11-Jun-2012 19:44
Fantastic image of these powerful waves, hope all is ok for you.
Johnny JAG11-Jun-2012 18:29
That looks wild enough
Chris11-Jun-2012 17:26
Perfect timing, hopefully the floods won't reach you. Poor Wales is under water and even more is threatened. Agree with David, the wether has gone mad.
Guest 11-Jun-2012 17:17
Very well captured Sheila. Our weather has also gone mad - where is our summer?:>)
Bill Miller11-Jun-2012 13:11
Lovely big waves. Perfect timing, Sheila.
rousselziak11-Jun-2012 12:54
Excellent ! -V-
Irena Jurecic11-Jun-2012 11:33
Wow!!! You are very happy because you have such a wonderful motive. Great moment!!!!! BV
Yvonne11-Jun-2012 11:32
Superb timing, and that sky looks so ominously dark! Hope you stay safe & don't lose your power too...been thinking of you
Guest 11-Jun-2012 11:17
some crazy dude surfing?!
you should be down in Melbourne! that dude won't be in the sea water! :)
Stephanie11-Jun-2012 11:00
This is a superb work of art Sheila!!! WOWOW!!!
Stay safe from the turbulent weather!
Susan Leigh11-Jun-2012 10:06
Superb capture, can sense the feeling of that crashing wave...well done!V
Ann...11-Jun-2012 09:25
Oh my! Great shot, I love that wave just about to turn, it's like coloured glass.
I hope that the weather calms down soon.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography11-Jun-2012 09:18
Superb shot, Vote.
MarcViskens11-Jun-2012 09:00
very nice shot
Photo.Keely11-Jun-2012 08:49
Nice capture! Well done! V.
Bob White11-Jun-2012 08:49
Fantastic image,crystal sharp and perfect timing, really shows the power of the sea, you almost feel it...v