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Red wattle bird

in red kangaroo paw flowers

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Irene Wehrli15-Oct-2012 10:39
Wonderful - love the setting too!
Yvonne02-Dec-2011 03:51
Superb shot Sheila well captured in your national emblem - the kangaroo paw!
Karen Stuebing01-Dec-2011 22:25
A very interesting and foreign to me bird. It's very long and graceful. Wonderful detail and love it clutching the red branches.
malcolm haslam01-Dec-2011 19:22
This is just superb, Sheila.
Bob White01-Dec-2011 17:40
Excellent shot of this pretty Bird and nicely hidden in the Kangaroo Paws ...v
Guest 01-Dec-2011 12:43
Splendid image Sheila !and excellent colors BV
lou_rozensteins01-Dec-2011 07:51
Beautiful shot. Love the kangaroo paws too!
Guest 01-Dec-2011 06:10
Nice catch, Sheila. Our local male has claimed a bottlebrush near the kitchen window as his personal territory and woe to any other bird that dares intrude.
Susan Leigh01-Dec-2011 04:59
Beautiful capture of a nasty little so and so!! Love the plant, dof perfection Sheila. V
Johnny JAG30-Nov-2011 20:52
Brilliant detail.
laine30-Nov-2011 20:23
Not pretty birds but still nice to have around and I love the Kangaroo Paw!!...we had a Bittern arrive at our place yesterday...completely out of it's habitat and it sat in the tree all day ( it's a wading bird ) so another oddity!!
Peter Stahl30-Nov-2011 16:36
Excellent capture and framed nicely with the flowers. :-)
Tom Munson30-Nov-2011 15:31
Nice work, Sheila! Sharp!!
Colin Storey30-Nov-2011 14:38
Superbly captured, great details and love that dof.
Phillip Normanton30-Nov-2011 14:01
Fantastic shot, especially like the red-on-green!