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Australian Wood Duck and babies

there were 14

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Pentti Kyyronen14-Dec-2009 13:16
Very sweet family portrait! V
Guest 17-Oct-2009 10:48
We get these on our local golf course - in plague numbers at times due to the size of their broods. Cute as can be while small, but as they grow larger it becomes impossible to putt on greens covered in their droppings! Although most folk refer to them as 'ducks' they are actually geese.
Bryan Murahashi17-Oct-2009 03:47
Very cute family shot. V
Ann...16-Oct-2009 13:34
A mum with her wings full!!! Lovely capture.
lou_rozensteins16-Oct-2009 06:30
Very nice! I have seen 14 before. I think they take over orphans sometimes. Very well done.
laine16-Oct-2009 01:59
She must be babysitting ...they lay about 8-10 eggs in a clutch. A pretty little group
Colin Storey15-Oct-2009 20:01
Mega cute, great shot.
Máire Uí Mhaicín15-Oct-2009 19:52
You have captured their furry fluffiness beautifully, as well as the anxious look of the proud parent.
Chris15-Oct-2009 18:12
Seriously cute - let's hope they all survive!
Nicki Thurgar15-Oct-2009 17:01
Awwww... so CUTE!!
Patricia Kay15-Oct-2009 16:27
Love this shot Sheila....BV
Phillip Normanton15-Oct-2009 16:03
Awww indeed - mega-fluffy! :o)
Stephanie15-Oct-2009 15:58
What a beautiful family! I'm in love!
Mairéad15-Oct-2009 15:27
These are so cute.