After I heard about Grandpa Bailey's passing, I thought about you and Wes and remembered how you take beautiful pictures. I've bookmarked it, because I find your images to be really inspiring.
Rose, Quite honostly I clicked on your site when I saw your last name on another site. What luck! Just amazing photos. I really love your style and subject matter. I will be back.
John Bailey
07-Feb-2010 23:07
You are so talented! What great pictures!
Wanda Whittington
18-Jan-2010 22:40
oops that last message was from me Rose
Betty Clark
18-Jan-2010 22:39
This were absolutely gorgeous. Rose you have such good photos the compositions are fabulous but the resolution you've gotten is amazing........that was a good time
Jaffer Bhimji
11-Sep-2008 22:38
Rose, you have some wonderful images in your gallery. I was particularlly impressed with an image titled "Soft like silk" and "Majastic water flow". I also like the idea of seeing the full exif. Congratulations on such wonderful collection.