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Astrophotography by Rolf Wahl Olsen

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I have always been very interested in astronomy, and I have had telescopes since 1990, starting out with a 60mm alt-az mounted refractor, moving up to a 4" refractor on an equatorial mount and currently a 10" f/5 Newtonian permanently mounted in my observatory.
In 2003 I ventured into the world of astrophotography, and I am currently taking my images with a long exposure modified Philips ToUCam Pro webcam. A lot of thanks go to Steve Chambers for pioneering in the area of long exposure modifications.
My observatory is located in Titirangi in the foothills of the Waitakere Ranges west of Auckland, New Zealand. The sky is nice and transparent here, due to the generally low levels of air pollution and high altitude dust in the southern hemisphere. It is also pretty dark since I live on the border of a large rainforest reserve and the nearby Tasman Sea.
Also the convenient latitude of -37 degrees provides me with an 80% view of the entire two hemispheres.

If you would like to use any of these images please contact me and ask for my permission first.

NOTE: Astronomical images contains very subtle differences in shade and color. For optimal viewing of these images, please click here: Screen adjustment and follow the brief instructions there.
10 inch Serrurier truss Newtonian
10 inch Serrurier truss Newtonian
The Circumstellar Disc around Beta Pictoris
The Circumstellar Disc around Beta Pictoris
The Visible Universe - a journey from 100 km to 12.4 billion light years
The Visible Universe - a journey from 100 km to 12.4 billion light years
High resolution deep sky
High resolution deep sky
Galaxy clusters
Galaxy clusters
Peculiar objects
Peculiar objects
Globular clusters
Globular clusters
Open clusters
Open clusters
Planetary nebulae
Planetary nebulae
Wide field
Wide field
The Moon
The Moon
Screen adjustment
Screen adjustment
QSI 683wsg-8 test images
QSI 683wsg-8 test images
Colour-Magnitude Diagrams
Colour-Magnitude Diagrams
The Sun
The Sun