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Peter Bray | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Peter Bray
Name Peter Bray (joined 01-Sep-2003) (pbase supporter)
Username peterbray
Personal URL
Location New Zealand
New Zealand
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View Galleries : Peter Bray has 36 galleries and 1720 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 2024697 times.

View Guestbook : 36 messages. Most recent on 04-Oct-2015.

Message from Peter Bray
My first camera was a kodak instamatic. But I really took up the pastime
when I bought a second hand Pentax Spotmatic with a f1.4. Several Pentaxes,
a Nikon and then into Digital. Used the Sigma Foveon X3 system for some time
but ended up with a Canon 5DMkII followed more recently by a 5D MkIII
My photographic passions include birds, landscapes, macros and wildlife but
ultimately anything that will turn into that perfect image. My other interests
have been and include hang gliding, windsurfing, road cycling and mountain
biking, fly and deep sea fishing, camping and enjoying the outdoors. Camping
in remote parts of outback Australia has become a bit of an obsession! Feel
free to drop me a line on any of the content you find here.
Kind regards,
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