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Monique Simons | all galleries >> Galleries >> Reptiles & Amphibians > Garden Fence Lizard
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Garden Fence Lizard

Koh Samui

Calotes versicolor, commonly known as the Garden Fence Lizard, is a color changing lizard. Calotes
versicolor is widely distributed throughout S.E.Asia including Thailand. This color changing lizard
can change color rapidly, varying between uniformly tan to grey with reddish markings. Calotes
versicolor can be easily identified by the 2 small spines above the tympanum but no spines behind
the eyes. Very common in Thailand, Calotes versicolor can frequently be found in parks and gardens
and on wasteland.

Class: Reptilia
Order: Squamata
Suborder: Iguania
Family: Agamidae
Genus: Calotes
Species: C. versicolor

Nikon D300 ,Tokina 100mm F2.8D AT-X Pro macrolens
1/200s f/6.3 at 100.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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