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Gordon W | profile | all galleries >> Photos by Subject >> Cityscapes Gallery >> Smiths Falls, Ontario Gallery >> Smiths Falls Wildlife >> Other Birds of Smiths Falls tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Other Birds of Smiths Falls

Male Northern Cardinal DSCN015564 Dark-eyed Junco On A Fence DSCN015847 Female Rose-breasted Grosbeak DSCN013417 Least Flycatcher DSCN011121
140+ Pigeons On Wires P1040400 2021's First Red-winged Blackbird DSCN50994 American Bittern DSCN108459 American Redstart DSCN18750
American Redstart DSCN36551 Backlit Turkey Vulture Spreading Wings On An Antenna DSCN98622 Baltimore Oriole DSCF21595 Baltimore Oriole DSCN132428
Baltimore Oriole Singing DSCN132192 Bird On A Wire DSCF0200 Bird On The Driveway 31045 Birds On A Wire DSCN02469
Blackbird On A Bridge Railing DSCF7823 Blue-headed Vireo DSCN03027 Brown Creeper Closeup DSCF01277 Brown Creeper DSCF01282
Brown Thrasher DSCF19440 Catbird Calling DSCN22456 Catbird On A Dumpster DSCF32847 Common Gallinule Calling DSCN61863
Common Gallinule In Grassy Marsh DSCN134598 Common Gallinule In The Swale DSCN63499 Common Gallinule Reflected DSCN136326 Common Gallinule & Wood Duck DSCN134594-5
Coot Among Lily Pads DSCN56755 Cormorant Closeup DSCN73303 Cormorant Coming Out Of The Water DSCN72391 Cormorant Drying Its Wings DSCN31322
Cormorant In A Pine Tree P1030192 Cormorant In Flight DSCN163846 Cormorant In Flight DSCN31077 Cormorant In Flight P1000095
Cormorant Near Birch Tree DSCN75117 Cormorant On The 'Alligator' Mound DSCN97241 Cormorant Over-The-Shoulder Preening DSCN35605 Cormorant Profile DSCN35473
Cormorant Spreading Its Wings DSCN32637 Cormorant Surfacing DSCN33435 Cormorant Swimming DSCN34660 Cormorant Swimming Toward Reflections P1120349
Cormorant Taking Flight DSCN163827 Cormorant Taking Flight & Landing DSCN75125-6 Cormorant With A Catch DSCN32703 Crow Annoying Bald Eagle DSCN50568
Crow Attacking A McDonald's Bag DSCN54211 Crow Calling DSCF7700 Crow Calling DSCN09621 (crop) Crow Harassing A Bald Eagle DSCN50158
Crow Mobbing A Cormorant DSCN147040 Crow Scratching An Itch DSCN23919 Crows Fighting Over Empty Doritos Bag DSCN65687 Curious Red-winged Blackbird DSCF7819
Dark-eyed Junco DSCN150271 Dark-eyed Junco In A Dead Evergreen DSCN150250 Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored) DSCN05578 Double-crested Cormorant Drying Its Wings DSCN142107
Double-crested Cormorant Swimming DSCN33491 Eagle Perched Above A Crow DSCN117369 Eastern Phoebe DSCN06257 Eastern Phoebe DSCN55316
Eastern Phoebe DSCN55413 Eastern Phoebe P1110160 Eastern Phoebe P1110163 Eastern Towhee Calling Atop A Spruce DSCN166193
Eastern Towhee DSCN165899 Female Northern Cardinal DSCN165919 Female Red-winged Blackbird DSCN16870 Female Rose-breasted Grosbeak DSCN144255
Female Rose-breasted Grosbeak Taking Flight DSCN144254 Female Snowy Owl Atop A Spruce Tree DSCN45623 Female Snowy Owl Atop A Spruce Tree DSCN45682 Female Snowy Owl On An Antenna Mast DSCN48133
Female Snowy Owl Portrait DSCN48135 (crop) Female Snowy Owl With 'Tiara' DSCN45653 (crop) Gallinule In The Swale DSCN57217 Gallinule In The Swale DSCN60012
Gallinule In The Swale DSCN61402 Gallinule In Wetland Grass DSCN110044 Gallinule Scratching An Itch DSCN65462 Gallinule With A Catch DSCN62144
Getting The Pigeon Evil Eye DSCF7790 Gray Catbird Calling DSCN96333 Gray Catbird DSCN000736 Gray Catbird P1140840
Gray Catbird Singing Atop A Sapling DSCN137209 Great Blue Heron & Great Egret In The Swale DSCN143789 Great Crested Flycatcher DSCN26363 Great Egret In The Swale DSCN143662
Great Egret Scratching An Itch DSCN143671 Great Egret With A Catch DSCN143803 Great Egret With A Catch DSCN143807 Hermit Thrush DSCN55574
Hooded Mergansers Beyond Red-winged Blackbird DSCN91719-20 House Wren DSCN99186 Junco Food DSCN89609 Juvenile Bald Eagle Displacing A Crow DSCN117794
Juvenile Rose-breasted Grosbeak DSCN38333 Killdeer (crop) DSCN07567 Killdeer Distraction Display DSCF13695 Killdeer DSCF13690
Killdeer On The Rocks DSCN54804 Laughing Immature Cormorant DSCN130552 Laughing Wetback Cormorant DSCN36233 Male Baltimore Oriole DSCN59793
Male Cardinal DSCN14803 Male Cardinal Singing DSCN103413 Male Cardinal Singing DSCN161432 Male Cardinal Taking Flight DSCN126793
Male Northern Cardinal DSCN128226 Male Northern Cardinal DSCN128241 Male Northern Cardinal DSCN161441 Male Northern Cardinal Singing DSCN008158
Male Northern Cardinal Singing DSCN136464 Male Rose-breasted Grosbeak DSCN16700 Marsh Wren DSCN28932 Merlin On A Dead Limb DSCN70381
Messy Mouth Dark-eyed Junco In Golden Light DSCN113998 Mourning Dove Lurking In An Evergreen Bush DSCN165458 Murder In A Treetop P1090679 Northern Waterthrush DSCN70367
Nuthatch DSCN37184 Nuthatch With A Morsel DSCN00324 Oriole In A Tree DSCN33232 Oriole In A Tree Top DSCN3229
Peregrine Falcon On A Railing With A Catch DSCN73271 Peregrine Portrait DSCN73271 Pigeon Getting It In Gear DSCF4790 Pigeon Head DSCF32540
Pigeon In The Yard DSCF00942 Pigeon Landing P1040401 Pigeons Going Online P1050243 Pigeon Thinks It's A Waterfowl DSCN94420
Pigeon-toed 26136 Pigeon Warmer Chimney DSCN02043 Pine Siskin On A Branch DSCN00843 Pine Siskin S0157522
Pine Siskin S0207540 Preening Cormorant DSCN73782 Pretty Pigeon DSCN05140 Pretty Pigeon Profile DSCN24591
Recently Fledged Common Yellowthroat DSCN28911 Red-eyed Vireo Calling DSCN133995 Red-eyed Vireo DSCF21596 Red-eyed Vireo DSCN100970
Red-eyed Vireo P1150002 Red-eyed Vireo Singing DSCN142831 Red-eyed Vireo Singing DSCN143288 Red-eyed Vireo Singing DSCN22511
Red-tailed Hawk In Flight At Sunrise DSCN37075 Red-winged Blackbird Atop A Pole DSCN05933 Red-winged Blackbird Calling DSCF6224 Red-winged Blackbird Calling DSCN122075
Red-winged Blackbird Calling DSCN160157 Red-winged Blackbird Calling DSCN55941 Red-winged Blackbird Calling P1110961 Red-winged Blackbird In Flight DSCN160706
Red-winged Blackbird Mobbing a Great Blue Heron DSCN61103 Red-winged Blackbird Mobbing A Great Blue Heron DSCN97690 Red-winged Blackbird Mobbing An Osprey DSCN104519 Red-winged Blackbird On A Cattail Calling DSCN162095
Red-winged Blackbird On A Twig DSCN55943 Red-winged Blackbird On A Wire DSCN91208 Red-winged Blackbird Singing DSCN10267 (crop) Red-winged Blackbird Taking Flight DSCF8158
Red-winged Blackbird Taking Flight DSCN135306 Red-winged Blackbird Taking Flight P1150559 Rose-breasted Grosbeak Taking Flight DSCN17039 Ruby-crowned Kinglet DSCN32456
Ruffled Junco DSCN05806 Ruffled Pigeon P1040551 Scarlet Tanager P1140205 Scarlet Tanager P1140221
Scarlet Tanager P1150266 Scarlet Tanager P1150282 Scarlet Tanager Scratching An Itch P1140191 Scruffy Turkey Vulture DSCN52248
Scruffy Turkey Vulture Head DSCN52248 (crop) Snowy Owl Headshot DSCN45651 Traill's Flycatcher (Willow or Alder) DSCN98869 Turkey Vulture In Flight DSCN14103
Two Cormorants P1000088-90 Two Crows Calling DSCN87931.7 Two Juvenile Cormorants DSCN04642 Two Trees In Fog Full Of Blackbirds DSCN04034
Warbling Vireo DSCF10530 Warbling Vireo DSCN22584 Warbling Vireo Out On A Limb DSCN139651 Warbling Vireo Preening DSCN24924
Warbling Vireo Warbling DSCN24961 Warbling Vireo With Catch DSCN35086 White-breasted Nuthatch DSCN02758 White-breasted Nuthatch DSCN116740
White-breasted Nuthatch DSCN144184 White-breasted Nuthatch DSCN28587 White-breasted Nuthatch DSCN29936 White-breasted Nuthatch DSCN30599
White-breasted Nuthatch DSCN34720 White-breasted Nuthatch DSCN61357 White-breasted Nuthatch With Catch DSCN141023 White-breasted Nuthatch With Morsel DSCN115369
White-breasted Nuthatch With Morsel DSCN115372 White Pigeon On A Wire DSCN07734