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Nikon Coolpix P1000 Photo Gallery

On 23 August 2019, despite its weight and large size, I bought a Nikon Coolpix P1000 superzoom camera since wildlife I had been seeing on the morning walks needed longer zoom than the cameras I already had.

Now, more than a year later (19 October 2020) and after shooting more than 12,000 brackets (36,000 shutter activations) I can say that the Nikon Coolpix P1000 is the first camera I've ever owned that has all the telephoto reach I can handle and for the first time in my life I am not interested in a camera with more. I still don't like its weight and large size but it's manageable. The camera is truly an amazing device and after discovering the equally amazing Topaz Labs DeNoise AI for noise removal, the P1000 has become my "go-to" camera for wildlife and nature photography. Basically, if my old eyes can see something in the distance, I can get a usable shot of it.

Then tragically on 12 May 2024 and 55,409 brackets (166,227 shutter activations) later, the P1000 abruptly and without warning died as I was simply walking with it, looking for the next bird. Sadly, this left me in a dilemma because after almost six years Nikon is no longer producing them or a new model to replace it and stores no longer have them in stock and there’s nothing available from any other manufacturer that rivals it (a truly one of a kind camera). Happily, it was then discovered that a friend of a friend had a virtually unused P1000, having taken only 52 shots with it before learning it was too much camera for him and he was happy to sell it to me on 22 May 2024.

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Belted Kingfisher DSCN69014 Cedar Waxwing On The Street DSCN68938 Monarch & Bug On A Yellow Flower DSCN68801 Osprey Landing In A Tree DSCN68741
Red Sun Rising Through Fog DSCN68623.4 Brown Dragonfly On A Leaf DSCN68558 Swimming Bullfrog DSCN68477 Kingfisher Panting On A Tin Roof DSCN68414
Bullfrog On A Lily Pad DSCN68221 Lone Mushroom DSCN68194-6 Preening Great Egret DSCN68051 (crop) Great Egret DSCN68018
White Flower DSCN67530 Great Blue Heron In Flight DSCN67474 Hunkered Heron In The Bush DSCN67316 Three Otters, One With Crayfish DSCN67226
Kingfisher On A Cable DSCN67102 Yellow Warbler Landing On A Cable DSCN67012 Green Grasshopper With Black Stripes DSCN66959 Great Blue Heron In Flight DSCN66839
Duck Dock DSCN66643 Rainbow At Sunrise DSCN66629 Red Sky In The Morning DSCN66625-7 Yellow Warbler DSCN66586
Two Yellow Warblers DSCN66503 Sunrise Ground Fog DSCN66440 Misty Irish Creek Sunrise DSCN66412 Sunrise Ground Fog DSCN66409-11
Common Loon DSCN66189 Equine Pal At Sunrise DSCN65864 Dragonfly, What Big Eyes You Have DSCN65793 Dragonfly, What Big Eyes You Have DSCN65793 (crop)
Green Bottle Fly On A Screen DSCN65740 Crows Fighting Over Empty Doritos Bag DSCN65687 Pink Morning Glories DSCN65645 Eastbound CP 112 Entering Rail Yard DSCN65582
Gallinule Scratching An Itch DSCN65462 Bales In Pseudo-IR Landscape DSCN65231 Great Blue Heron In The Swale DSCN65156 Misty Irish Creek Sunrise DSCN65119-21
Setting Strawberry Moon DSCN65110 Yellow Warbler DSCN65104 Irish Creek Sunrise DSCN65077-9 End Of The Overcast DSCN64951
Little Bee In Flight Beside Yellow Flowers DSCN64865 Clouded Sunrise DSCN64853 House Wren DSCN64790 House Wren Calling DSCN64727
Female Eastern Bluebird DSCN64724 Foggy Rail Yard DSCN64618-20 Sun Through Fog DSCN64591 Misty Foggy Otter Creek At Sunrise DSCN64510
Misty Foggy Otter Creek At Sunrise DSCN64507 Wood Duck Family Among Lily Pads DSCN64490 Bullfrog Under A Water Lily Pad DSCN64230 Gypsy Moth Caterpillar Head DSCN64059
Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly DSCN64036 Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly DSCN64012 Rideau Trail Murphys Point DSCN63992BW Red-throated Loon DSCN63934
Red-throated Loon Close-up DSCN63899 Red-throated Loon Profile DSCN63886 (crop) Red-throated Loon Bathtime DSCN63842 Yellow Warbler Warbling DSCN63790
Six Juvenile Grebes DSCN63736 Wild Turkey Fanning Tail DSCN63701 Dragonfly On Pink Spirea DSCN63669 Grackle With A Crustacean DSCN63545
Interesting Sky DSCN63513 Common Gallinule In The Swale DSCN63499 Mist Beyond Grazing Horses At Sunrise DSCN63377 Rideau Canal Sunrise DSCN63329-30
Rideau Canal Sunrise DSCN63304-6 Heron With A Catch Reflected DSCN63143 CP TEC Train Westbound Leaving Smiths Falls DSCN62619 CP TEC Train Westbound DSCN62593
CP TEC Train Overnighting DSCN62532 Male Baltimore Oriole Calling DSCN62497 Male Baltimore Oriole From Behind DSCN62486 Spider On A Wild Daisy DSCN62341
Laughing Heron DSCN62300 Ruffled Yellow Warbler DSCN62266 Damselfly On A Leaf DSCN62161 Gallinule With A Catch DSCN62144
CP 651 Train DSCN62048 Otter Creek Sunrise DSCN62003 Damselfly On A Branch DSCN61925 Common Gallinule Calling DSCN61863
Three Eclipsed Male Wood Ducks DSCN61838 Sunrise Rain Shower DSCN61768 CP 8764 Leading, CP 4403 Second, CP 8208 Third DSCN61724 Great Blue Heron Profile DSCN61714
Great Blue Heron Head DSCN61681 Yellow Lily & Lily Pad DSCN61640 Kayaker Photographing Water Lilies DSCN61528 Kayaker In The Swale DSCN61524
Interesting Sky Over Victoria Basin DSCN61458 Gallinule In The Swale DSCN61402 Pied-billed Grebe In Calm Water DSCN61375 White-breasted Nuthatch DSCN61357
Gosling Train With Mid-DPU At Sunrise DSCN61188 Red-winged Blackbird Mobbing a Great Blue Heron DSCN61103 Yellow Water Lilies DSCN60992 Flower Bed Sprinkler DSCN60895-7
First Pleasure Craft In The Basin 2021 DSCN60880 Misty Rideau Canal At Sunrise DSCN60801 Gosling Train In Early Morning Mist DSCN60776 Seedy Dandelion Close Up DSCN60728
Great Blue Heron In Flight DSCN60689 Great Blue Heron In Tall Grass DSCN60617 Great Blue Heron In The Swale DSCN60608 Heron & Moon Over The Le Boat Fleet DSCN60515
Rideau Canal Sunrise DSCN60443 Rideau Canal Sunrise DSCN60436-8 White-eyed Mayfly On Glass Head-on DSCN60393 White-eyed Mayfly On Glass Head-on DSCN60393 (crop)
Yellow Warbler DSCN60349 Geese Flying Over The 2021 Flower Full Moon DSCN60305.25 Hook, Line & Kingbird DSCN60213 (crop) Hook, Line & Kingbird DSCN60214
Here Comes The Sun DSCN60120-2 Heron Stretching A Wing And Leg DSCN60060.2 Belted Kingfisher On A Dead Branch DSCN60033 Gallinule In The Swale DSCN60012
Heron Having Just Landed On A Rock DSCN59909 Male Baltimore Oriole DSCN59793 Wild Turkey In Tall Grass DSCN59772 Grackle With Dragonfly Snack DSCN59753
Rideau Canal Sunrise DSCN59720 Suspended Dandelion Seed DSCN59658 Great Blue Heron In Flight DSCN59527 White Cap Cloud Beyond The Swale DSCN59417
Field Of Seedy Dandelions DSCN59319 Purple Iris DSCN59284 (art) Heron Jumping Rocks DSCN59267 Duckling On The Rocks DSCN59198
CP 8937 Westbound DSCN59093 Chambers Street Subway DSCN59087 Two Mallard Ducklings Swimming DSCN59084 Backlit Lilac Flower DSCN59055
Yellow Warbler Warbling DSCN58932 Two Geese & A Grebe DSCN58728 Cedar Waxwing DSCN58599 Gagging Gull DSCN58514-5
Great Blue Heron Taking Flight DSCN58460 Heron Landing On A Canal Fence DSCN58404 Otter Creek Sunrise DSCN58351 Mama Mallard & Her Eight Ducklings DSCN58262
Feather-billed Female Mallard DSCN58245 Town Swans On Turtle Island DSCN58209 Beaver Bow Wave At Sunrise DSCN57878 Yellow Warbler From Behind DSCN57860
Yellow Warbler Warbling DSCN57849 Gosling Sibling Dispute DSCN57797 Great Blue Heron At Leaky Weir DSCN57700 Two Trumpeter Swans Landing DSCN57676
Tree Swallows, Cables, & Cattails DSCN57664 Great Blue Heron In A Nest DSCN57592 Tree Swallow In Flight DSCN57525 Canada Geese & Goslings At Sunrise DSCN57515
Rideau Canal Sunrise DSCN57483 Yellow Warbler Warbling DSCN57425 Early Bird Robin DSCN57372 Gallinule In The Swale DSCN57217
Rideau Canal At Sunrise DSCN57156 Gosling Reflected DSCN57121 Canada Goose On The Run DSCN57073 Red Fox Running Across A Highway DSCN57051
Starling Yawning DSCN56903 Common Loon Stretching DSCN56880 Wet Orange Tulip DSCN56824 (crop) Coot Among Lily Pads DSCN56755
Osprey In Flight DSCN56682 Muskrat With A Salad DSCN56664 Interesting Sky DSCN56643 Le Boats Back Into The Water Day DSCN56604
Gosling On Shore DSCN56510 Five Goslings DSCN56342 Rideau Canal Sunrise DSCN56300 Heron In Irish Creek At Sunrise DSCN56183
Moon Over Irish Creek At Sunrise DSCN56123 Yellow Tulip Interior DSCN56106 Snowy Red Tulips DSCN56073 Red-winged Blackbird On A Twig DSCN55943
Red-winged Blackbird Calling DSCN55941 Sandra At Centennial Park DSCN55896 Filled Victoria Basin DSCN55811 Ring-necked Duck Couple DSCN55785
Tree Swallow DSCN55777 Yellow Tulip DSCN55768 Easter Lily Leaves & Stalk DSCN55746 Four Trumpeter Swans & Canada Goose DSCN55678
Two Geese In Flight DSCN55675 The Swale DSCN55633 Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Reflected DSCN55624 Tree Swallow Landing DSCN55595
Hermit Thrush DSCN55574 2021 Pink Moon Setting DSCN55556 Male Bufflehead Duck DSCN55487 A Lot Of Flowers DSCN55449
Eastern Phoebe DSCN55413 Interesting Sky Over Irish Creek DSCN55394 Do You Hear What I Hear? DSCN55366 Eastern Phoebe DSCN55316
Otter Creek At Sunrise DSCN55300 CN 1112 Steam Locomotive At RME0 DSCN55262 Dripping Trumpeter Swan DSCN55252 Osprey Outside The Box DSCN55204
Great Blue Heron In The Swale DSCN55100 Red Tulips In 20210421 Snowfall DSCN55049-51 Walker In 20210421 Snowfall DSCN55004 20210421 Snowfall In Lower Reach Park DSCN55002
Grape Hyacinths In Snow DSCN54989 Dandelion Really Close Up DSCN54915 Blowin' In The Wind DSCN54875-83 Killdeer On The Rocks DSCN54804
Mist On The Rideau Canal At Sunrise DSCN54758 Grackle On A Bridge Railing DSCN54671 Song Sparrow On A Roof DSCN54642 Easter Lily With Weeping Stigma DSCN54634
Easter Lily Stamens & Dripping Stigma DSCN54611 Interesting Sky At Sunrise DSCN54587-9 Four Rain Droplets On A Leaf DSCN54569 Wet Pussy Willow Blossom Close Up DSCN54546
Interesting Sky DSCN54515 Mute Swan DSCN54512-4 Grackle With Nest Material DSCN54396 Forsythia Flower Close Up DSCN54301
Goosy In The Sky With Ripples DSCN54283 Three Geese In Flight DSCN54275 Patch Of Little Blue Wildfowers DSCN54249 Crow Attacking A McDonald's Bag DSCN54211
Ring-necked Duck Couple DSCN54168 Swallow House Inspection DSCN54144 Partial Rainbow At Sunrise DSCN54137 Rideau Canal Sunrise DSCN54123
Male Hairy Woodpecker On A Pole DSCN54044 Hole In One Rusty Railing DSCN53981 Early Spring Sunrise DSCN53930-2 Asian Lady Beetle DSCN53906
Tree Swallow Calling DSCN53821 Misty Rideau Canal At Sunrise DSCN53689 Misty Otter Creek Sunrise DSCN53686 Misty Otter Creek At Sunrise DSCN53662
Misty Otter Creek DSCN53662BW Five Trumpeter Swans In Flight DSCN53646 Two Canada Geese At Sunrise DSCN53592 Two Mute Swans Beside River Grass At Sunrise DSCN53564
Swimming Beaver DSCN53528 Goose Taking Flight DSCN53411 Lower Reach At Sunrise DSCN53363 Old Barn At Sunrise DSCN53354-9
Crescent Moon Beyond Sunrise Clouds DSCN53351 Swimming Beaver In Reflected Sunrise Color DSCN53298 Beaver In Otter Creek At Sunrise DSCN53292 Male Goldeneye DSCN53228
Osprey On A Soccer Goal DSCN53213 Ring-necked Duck Pair DSCN53175 Easter Lily DSCN53137 Easter Lily DSCN53132v2
Common Loon DSCN53083 Osprey Delivering Nest Material DSCN52936 Song Sparrow Singing DSCN52909 Male Bufflehead Duck Taking Flight DSCN52837
Common Loon DSCN52790 Rideau Canal At Sunrise DSCN52702 Fence & Rising Sun Along The Rideau Canal DSCN52672 Mute Swan In Wind Roughened Water DSCN52661
Dusting Of Snow DSCN52651 Yard Engines DSCN52645 Grackle On A Cold Tin Roof DSCN52564 Ospreys Spring Cleaning DSCN52544
Moon & Budding Tree DSCN52514 Moon Over The Swale DSCN52508 2021 Worm Moon DSCN52476 Young Bald Eagle On An Osprey Nest DSCN52462
Wild Turkeys DSCN52453 Scruffy Turkey Vulture Head DSCN52248 (crop) Scruffy Turkey Vulture DSCN52248 Bufflehead Duck Flying Away DSCN52121
Convention Of Ring-necked Ducks DSCN52115 Sunrise Along Irish Creek DSCN52063 Backroad Riders DSCN52047-9 Copse Of Young Birch Trees DSCN52012
Kite Flying Over The Moon DSCN52000.6 Trumpeter Swan Stretching At Sunrise DSCN51944 Young Birches DSCN51809 Otter Beside Ice DSCN51756
Two Trumpeter Swans Near Ice Shelf DSCN51664 Snow & Canada Geese In Flight DSCN51622 Snow Geese In Flight DSCN51616 Snow Geese Taking Flight DSCN51609
Wet Mink Stare Down DSCN51540 Musing Mink DSCN51538 Three Shot Bracket Of Geese In Flight DSCN51495-7 Blue Jay In A Budding Tree DSCN51427
Three Male Hooded Mergansers DSCN51412 Bald Eagle In Flight DSCN51358 Sunrise Clouds DSCN51273 Migrating Geese Stopover DSCN51253
Pied-billed Grebe DSCN51229 Coy Pied-billed Grebe DSCN51203 Migrating Geese At Sunrise DSCN51148 Red Roses Fading To Orange DSCN51088 'art'
Otter Creek Open Water At Sunrise DSCN50999 2021's First Red-winged Blackbird DSCN50994 Migrating Geese Stopover DSCN50969 Trumpeter Swan DSCN50926
Sunrise At The Rail Yard DSCN50902 CP 8902 Locomotive (DSCN50876) Three Trumpeter Swans In Flight DSCN50760 Two Trumpeter Swans In Flight DSCN50761
Trumpeter Swan Family Taking Flight DSCN50743 Wet Beaver On Ice DSCN50683 Two Mute Swans DSCN50649 Bald Eagle In Flight DSCN50609
Bald Eagle Leaving A Leftover DSCN50604 Crow Annoying Bald Eagle DSCN50568 Bald Eagle On Ice With A Catch DSCN50494 Bald Eagle On Ice At Breakfast DSCN50445
Ground Fog Beyond Lone Tree Beyond Winter Cornfield DSCN50423 Crescent Moon At Sunrise DSCN50350 Wild Turkey In Winter Cornfield DSCN50271 Mr & Ms Hooded Merganser DSCN50220
Clouded Crescent Moon DSCN50170 Crow Harassing A Bald Eagle DSCN50158 Frosty Wire DSCN50126 Frosty Post DSCN50099
Misty Sunrise Beyond A Pine DSCN50044 Natural Abstract DSCN50005 CP 8602 Locomotive DSCN49987 Red Rose DSCN49913
Layered Sunrise Beyond Rideau Canal DSCN49870 Otter On Ice At Breakfast DSCN49844 (crop) Snowy Otter At Breakfast DSCN49817 Otter On Ice At Breakfast DSCN49762
Two Otters On An Ice Shelf DSCN49742-3 VIA Rail Train 643 Departing DSCN49687 VIA Rail Train 643 Approaching DSCN49673 Trumpeter Swans Seeing Eye To Eye DSCN49641
Trumpeter Swan Dispute DSCN49637 Trumpeter Swan Taking A Bow DSCN49625 Trumpeter Swans Landing On Ice DSCN49623 Mr & Ms Merganser DSCN49538
Mr & Dripping Ms Common Merganser DSCN49523 Old Barn At Sunrise DSCN49517-9 Gemmells Point At Sunrise DSCN49511-3 Ice Fishing Shelter On The Clyde River DSCN49489
Snowmobile Tracks On Snowy Hill DSCN49484 Two Trumpeter Swans Landing DSCN49380 Two Trumpeter Swans Approaching In Falling Snow DSCN49377 Bald Eagle On Canal Ice DSCN49367
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