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Nikon Coolpix P1000 Photo Gallery

On 23 August 2019, despite its weight and large size, I bought a Nikon Coolpix P1000 superzoom camera since wildlife I had been seeing on the morning walks needed longer zoom than the cameras I already had.

Now, more than a year later (19 October 2020) and after shooting more than 12,000 brackets (36,000 shutter activations) I can say that the Nikon Coolpix P1000 is the first camera I've ever owned that has all the telephoto reach I can handle and for the first time in my life I am not interested in a camera with more. I still don't like its weight and large size but it's manageable. The camera is truly an amazing device and after discovering the equally amazing Topaz Labs DeNoise AI for noise removal, the P1000 has become my "go-to" camera for wildlife and nature photography. Basically, if my old eyes can see something in the distance, I can get a usable shot of it.

Then tragically on 12 May 2024 and 55,409 brackets (166,227 shutter activations) later, the P1000 abruptly and without warning died as I was simply walking with it, looking for the next bird. Sadly, this left me in a dilemma because after almost six years Nikon is no longer producing them or a new model to replace it and stores no longer have them in stock and there’s nothing available from any other manufacturer that rivals it (a truly one of a kind camera). Happily, it was then discovered that a friend of a friend had a virtually unused P1000, having taken only 52 shots with it before learning it was too much camera for him and he was happy to sell it to me on 22 May 2024.

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Tree Swallow In Flight DSCN94665 Five Goslings & Goose DSCN94655 Three Trains In The Yard DSCN94528 Tree Swallow Taking Flight DSCN94477
Cloud Bank Beyond The Swale DSCN94471 Cedar Waxwing Dining On Tree Buds DSCN94456 Cedar Waxwing Atop A Budding Tree DSCN94430 Pigeon Thinks It's A Waterfowl DSCN94420
Tree Swallow Leaving Its Nest DSCN94391 Tree Swallow In A Hole DSCN94232 Yellow-rumped Warbler DSCN94118 First 2022 Tulip DSCN94111
Common Loon At Dawn DSCN94091 Great Blue Heron In The Swale DSCN93988 Two Bald Eagles In A Tree DSCN93952 Moose Profile DSCN93823-4
Moose In A Field DSCN93821 Heron Hunkered In Its Nest DSCN93791 Moose Head DSCN93736 Moose In A Field DSCN93691
Loon With Spread Wings DSCN93655 Yellow Daffodil DSCN93622 Blue-winged Teal Couple DSCN93517 Daffodil In April Snow DSCN93488
Yawning Loon From The Rear DSCN93436 Common Loon Swimming DSCN93430 Goldeneye Duck Swimming Away DSCN93418 Tree Swallow In Flight DSCN93411
21 Tree Swallows Taking Flight DSCN93295 Abstract DSCN93184 Male Bufflehead Duck DSCN93131 Geese Doing It In The Water DSCN93112
Tree Swallow Coming In For A Landing DSCN93049 Osprey Having Breakfast DSCN93026 Female Common Merganser In Rough Water DSCN92994 Male Common Merganser In Rough Water DSCN92983
Starling With Nest Material DSCN92914 Budding Tree Branch DSCN92808 First Spring Flowers DSCN92753 Osprey On A Flood Light DSCN92639
Grackle Calling DSCN92601 Mr & Ms Bufflehead Duck DSCN92558 Goose Landing On Ice DSCN92521 Abstract DSCN92489
Song Sparrow Up Close DSCN92423 Getting The Osprey Eye DSCN92418 Trumpeter Swan Kissing The Water DSCN92397 (crop) Otter On Otter Creek With A Catch DSCN92357
Great Blue Heron On Ice DSCN92330 Great Blue Heron On Ice DSCN92308 Male Ring-necked Duck Stretching His Wings DSCN92291 Wood Duck Couple On Ice DSCN92221
Black-capped Chickadee DSCN92176 Beaver On Ice Chowing Down DSCN92086 American Robin With A Worm DSCN92031 Hooded Merganser Couple DSCN91924
Ring-billed Gull On Ice With Breakfast DSCN91884 Song Sparrow Singing DSCN91845 Male Hooded Merganser Showing Off DSCN91758 Hooded Mergansers Beyond Red-winged Blackbird DSCN91719-20
Otter In The Water DSCN91651 Otter In The Water DSCN91644 Sun Rising Beyond Lower Reach DSCN91602-4 Male Hooded Merganser At Sunrise DSCN91582
Two Trumpeter Swans In Flight DSCN91560 Goose Spreading Its Wings DSCN91524 Sun Rising Beyond Clouds & Barn DSCN91482-4 Snowy Trees DSCN91458
Winter Footbridge & Turtle Island DSCN91397 Two Bald Eagles In A Distant Tree Making Out DSCN91262 Bald Eagle In Flight DSCN91224 Red-winged Blackbird On A Wire DSCN91208
Trumpeter Swan Confrontation DSCN91153 Trumpeter Swan Confrontation DSCN91149 Two Tumpeter Swans Taking Flight DSCN91021 Five Trumpeter Swans In Flight DSCN90764
Frosty Branches DSCN90701 Hoarfrost DSCN90692 (crop) Laughing Wood Duck DSCN90659 (crop) Beaver Under A Tree DSCN90651
Beaver On Ice Dining DSCN90582 Pine Siskin DSCN90557 CP 8132 In Snowfall DSCN90436 March Coming In Like A Lion DSCN90389
Blue Jay With A Morsal DSCN90359 Snowy Goose In Falling Snow DSCN90264 Icy Trees DSCN90232 Porcupine In A Tree DSCN90207
Frosty Winter Lilac Branch DSCN90155 Winter Fence DSCN90119BW Sun Clouded By Departing Snowstorm DSCN90071-3 Female Common Merganser Coming Up DSCN90023
Old Arched Window DSCN89981 Solid & Liquid Winter Water DSCN89974 2022 February Snow Moon DSCN89962 Bald Eagle In Distant Tree Calling DSCN89873
Window Frost DSCN89865 CP 118 Sidetracked At Sunrise DSCN89844 Two Trumpeter Swans Taking Flight DSCN89825 Trumpeter Swan Kerfluffle DSCN89806
Trumpeter Swan Kerfluffle DSCN89796 Trumpeter Swan Kerfluffle DSCN89795BW Three Trumpeter Swans In Flight Approaching DSCN89789 Three Trumpeter Swans In Flight Approaching DSCN89788
Three Trumpeter Swans In Flight Approaching DSCN89787 Seven Swans a-Swimming DSCN89780 Black-capped Chickadee DSCN89721 Robin In The Basin DSCN89699
Tracks In Snow DSCN89644 Junco Food DSCN89609 Blue Jay On A Feeder With A Seed DSCN89602 Crow On Ice DSCN89571
Winter Sunrise DSCN89542 Waxing Crescent Snow Moon DSCN89504 Winter Wonderland DSCN89492 Winter Wonderland DSCN89483
Sunrise Beyond The Basin DSCN89417-9 Snowy Thicket DSCN89396 Male Goldeneye Duck DSCN89354 Turtle Island Footbridge After A Snowfall DSCN89333BW
Hazy Sun Beyond Snowy Turtle Island DSCN89330-2 Snowy Winter Lane DSCN89254 Irish Creek Clouded Sunrise DSCN89177-9 Dripping Female Common Merganser DSCN89117
Lift Bridge Frosty Approach DSCN89036-8 Sun Rising Beyond Frosty Trees DSCN88940-2 Lower Reach On A Very Frosty Morning DSCN88916 Frosty Turtle Island DSCN88868
Frost Around The Basin DSCN88855 Crescent Moon 4% Illuminated DSCN88770 Crescent Moon 4% Illuminated DSCN88755 Sunrise Obscured By Nor'easter Clouds DSCN88727
Footbridge In Morning Mist DSCN88652-4 Fireplace Flame DSCN88648 Waning Crescent Moon DSCN88563 Clouded Sun Beyond Turtle Island DSCN88547-9
20220117 Snowfall Amount DSCN88480 Clearing A Park Path DSCN88410 Wolf Moon Through Clouds DSCN88369 Winter Rapids DSCN88287
Porcupine Out On A Limb DSCN88249 Backlit Trees Beyond Morning Mist DSCN88216-8 Waxing Crescent Moon DSCN88203 Female Common Merganser DSCN88189
Female Common Merganser With A Catch DSCN88184 Female Common Merganser With A Catch DSCN88175 Female Common Merganser With A Catch DSCN88166 Winter Channel Markers DSCN88091
A Raft Of Mallards DSCN88077 Abstract DSCN88067 Bald Eagle Atop A Tree DSCN88042 Bald Eagle In A Distant Tree In Fog DSCN88034
Rideau Canal Winter Fog DSCN87987 Two Crows Calling DSCN87931.7 Red-tailed Hawk In Flight DSCN87910 Red-tailed Hawk Taking Flight DSCN87903
Red-tailed Hawk DSCN87901 Winter Marsh DSCN87889 Ermine In Winter Coat DSCN87868 Two Winter Bales DSCN87827
Winter Rideau Canal Sunrise DSCN87818-20 Winter Sunrise DSCN87812-4 Sign Ice DSCN87802 Icy Evergreen DSCN87762
Iced Tree DSCN87745 Cloud Beyond Water Tower At Sunrise DSCN87711 Moon Over The Swale At Sunrise DSCN87707 Shortest Day Sunrise DSCN87694-6
Frozen Frosty Rideau Canal DSCN87664 Heavy Frost Along Rideau Canal DSCN87639 Heavy Frost Along Rideau Canal DSCN87631 Bald Eagle In A Distant Frosty Tree DSCN87611
Frosty Far Side Of The Swale DSCN87598 Bald Eagle In A Distant Frosty Tree DSCN87553 Frosty Trees At Sunrise DSCN87488 Trumpeter Swan Spreading Its Wings DSCN87464
Cold Moon Setting Beyond The Swale DSCN87436 Trumpeter Swans Flying Over The Swale DSCN87347 Contrails Over Incoming Cloud Bank DSCN87328 Four Trumpeter Swans In Flight DSCN87325
Four Trumpeter Swans In Water DSCN87313 Beaver On Ice DSCN87289-90 One Of Four Trumpeter Swans DSCN87236 Dripping Male Hooded Merganser DSCN87203
Yak Licking Its Nose DSCN87132 Distant Fog Beyond The Swale DSCN87059 Otter Working On A Late Breakfast DSCN87040 Otter Working On A Late Breakfast DSCN87041
Fog Beyond Lone Tree DSCN87018 Juvenile Ring-billed Gull Landing DSCN86991 Rideau Canal At Sunrise DSCN86964 Snowy Fallen Red Oak Leaf DSCN86958
Landing Gull DSCN86901 Eastbound Seaway Ship Stern DSCN86877 Distant Beaver On Ice DSCN86853 Clouded Winter Sunrise DSCN86817-19
Yawning Well-Fed Otter On Ice DSCN86801 Two Otters On Ice DSCN86741 Otter Walking On Ice DSCN86736 Three Otters Playing On Ice DSCN86732
Ice & Fallen Augumn Leaves DSCN86682 Two Female Mallards DSCN86672 Male Wood Duck DSCN86555 Wood Duck Swimming With Head On The Water DSCN86516
Bales In Dusting Of Snow At Sunrise DSCN86460 Female Hooded Merganser Rising Up DSCN86415 Gull Spreading Its Wings-Reflected DSCN86369 Gulls On Ice At Sunrise DSCN86304
Autumn Park Lamp DSCN86250 Hardy Park Autumn Shoreline DSCN86175 Ring-billed Gull With A Catch DSCN86150 (crop) Ring-billed Gull In Flight With A Catch DSCN86141
Ogdensburg-Prescott International Bridge DSCN86116 Farm At Sunrise DSCN86076 The Plane Flew Under The Moon DSCN86060 Beaver Full Moon After The Eclipse Setting Into Clouds DSCN85970
20211119 Partial Lunar Eclipse @ 3:43 (DSCN85932) 20211119 Partial Lunar Eclipse @ 2:30 (DSCN85901) Fallen Late Autumn Leaves DSCN85860 Fallen Late Autumn Leaves DSCN85860 (art1)
Fallen Late Autumn Leaves DSCN85860BW Female Hooded Merganser Stretching DSCN85829 Bald Eagle Taking A Bow DSCN85726 Bald Eagle Profile DSCN85719
Bald Eagle Perched Atop A Tree DSCN85703 Two Distant Bales At Sunrise DSCN85512 Pied-Billed Grebe DSCN85469 Interesting Sky Over The Swale DSCN85436
Leopard Frog On A Fallen Leaf DSCN85402 Female Ring-necked Duck Stretching DSCN85349 Geese Flying Over Autumn Tree DSCN85300 Female Ring-necked Duck Reflected DSCN85215
Tree Fungus Closeup DSCN85160 Two Female Hooded Mergansers DSCN85091 Male Hooded Merganser DSCN75984 Mute Swan Couple DSCN75959
Frosty Autumn Leeaves DSCN75875 'Art' Frost DSCN75846 Misty Rideau Canal At Sunrise DSCN75835 Frosty Autumn Sunrise DSCN75822
First Autumn Ice DSCN75773 Lower Reach Panorama At Sunrise DSCN75659 Lanark Anglican Church DSCN75644-6 Autumn Tamaracks DSCN75611
Waning Hunter's Crescent Moon DSCN75524 Pepper Squash Topside DSCN75437 Autumn Victoria Basin DSCN75425 Sandra Running In Autumn DSCN75423
The 12:35 VIA Rail Torontobound DSCN75387 Autumn Bascule Bridge DSCN75368 Dewdrops On A Autumn Leaf DSCN75354 Two Purple Flowers DSCN75282
Autumn Cataraqui Trail DSCN75260 Autumn Green DSCN75248 Autumn Red Trees Backlit By Rising Sun DSCN75221 Three Trumpeter Swans In Golden Hour Flight DSCN75213
Autumn Laneway DSCN75178 Grungy Autumn Leaf DSCN75143 Cormorant Taking Flight & Landing DSCN75125-6 Cormorant Near Birch Tree DSCN75117
Interesting Sky Over The Swale DSCN75070 Waning Gibbous Hunter's Moon DSCN75062 Four Juvenile Trumpeter Swans On A Muskrat Lodge DSCN74955 Blue Jay & Sunflower Seed DSCN74896
Blue Jay On A Chain Link Fence DSCN74867 Blue Jay & Sunflower Seed DSCN74792 Former RV Park DSCN74714 Blue Jay With Sunflower Seeds DSCN74694
Pink Edged White Cosmos DSCN74625 Clouded Sun DSCN74553 Smiley Face DSCN74449 Smiley Face DSCN74449BW
Airborne Le Boat DSCN74375 Le Boat Queue Panorama DSCN74205.8 Two Mute Swans DSCN74156 Autumn Backroad DSCN74082
Birches Beyond Autumn Red Tree DSCN74037 Happy Canadian Thanksgiving DSCN74022 'Art Autumn Sumac DSCN73959 Clouded Sunrise Beyond Distant Rideau Canal DSCN73865-7
Bridge Shadow In Mist DSCN73859-61 Sun Through Fog DSCN73805 Preening Cormorant DSCN73782 Three Otters Swimming Away DSCN73761
Foggy Swale Boathouses DSCN73710 'Art' Wildlife In The Rail Yard DSCN73619 White-crowned Sparrow DSCN73597 Messy Mouth White-crowned Sparrow DSCN73577
Grasshopper On A Pink Flower DSCN73542A Domestic Turkeys DSCN73507 Natural Abstract DSCN73408BW Band Of Bare Trees DSCN73369
Backlit Mottled Autumn Maple Leaf DSCN73354 Goose Taking Flight DSCN73339 Cormorant Closeup DSCN73303 Peregrine Portrait DSCN73271
Peregrine Falcon On A Railing With A Catch DSCN73271 Blue Jay Beneath A Drooping Sunflower DSCN73181 Early Fall Foliage DSCN73121 Swan Neck Gourd DSCN72988
Early Autumn Color DSCN72774 Wood Duck Couple DSCN72760 Ring-billed Gull In Flight DSCN72694 Harvest Moon Beyond Contrail DSCN72671
Yellow-rumped Warbler Going For A Grape DSCN72532 (crop) Cormorant Coming Out Of The Water DSCN72391 Panting Heron DSCN72203 Early Fall Foliage DSCN72106
Cedar Waxwing On A Dead Branch DSCN72035 Fogbow DSCN71954.7 Spotted Sandpiper Among Lily Pads DSCN71896 Rideau Canal Sunset DSCN71848-50
Moon Shining Through Sunset Clouds DSCN71831 Interesting Sky Over Golden Field DSCN71821 Kingfisher & Fishing Floats On A Cable DSCN71800 Kingfisher On A Wind Sock DSCN71782
Goose Breath DSCN71734 Heron On A Retaining Wall DSCN71658 (art) Interesting Sky Over Lift Bridge DSCN71628 Red Dragonfly On A Leaf DSCN71618
Red Dragonfly On A Leaf DSCN71609 Heron In The Old Mill Channel DSCN71531 Bullfrog On A Lily Pad DSCN71416 Two Monarchs Mating DSCN71327
Monarch Among Black-eyed Susans DSCN71318 Monarch On A Purple Flower DSCN71302 (crop) Monarch On A Purple Flower DSCN71302 Distant Fog Bank Beyond Gemmells Point DSCN71130
Autumn Color DSCN70894 Green Heron On A Dead Limb DSCN70834 Green Heron In A Dead Tree DSCN70822 Wet Leaves DSCN70772
Water Droplets On A Yellow Flower DSCN70750-8 Water Droplets On A Yellow Flower DSCN70750-8 (crop) Great Blue Heron In The Swale DSCN70700 Bumble Bee On A Thistle DSCN70502
Merlin On A Dead Limb DSCN70381 Northern Waterthrush DSCN70367 Belted Kingfisher On A Cable DSCN70235 Bumble Bee Sleeping Under Goldenrod DSCN70211
Great Blue Heron With A Catch DSCN70144 Monarch Butterfly On A Brown-eyed Susan Closeup DSCN70047 Great Blue Heron Landing DSCN69854 Cedar Waxwing On A Lichened Limb DSCN69750
Monarch Butterfly Flying DSCN69637 Monarch Butterfly On A Purple Flower DSCN69502 Monarch On A Mexican Sunflower DSCN69489 Orange Butterfly On A Purple Flower DSCN69457
Cedar Waxwing Profile DSCN69331 Summer Autumn Color DSCN69193 Osprey Leaving A Tree DSCN69186 Osprey In Flight DSCN69182
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