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Nikon Coolpix P1000 Photo Gallery

On 23 August 2019, despite its weight and large size, I bought a Nikon Coolpix P1000 superzoom camera since wildlife I had been seeing on the morning walks needed longer zoom than the cameras I already had.

Now, more than a year later (19 October 2020) and after shooting more than 12,000 brackets (36,000 shutter activations) I can say that the Nikon Coolpix P1000 is the first camera I've ever owned that has all the telephoto reach I can handle and for the first time in my life I am not interested in a camera with more. I still don't like its weight and large size but it's manageable. The camera is truly an amazing device and after discovering the equally amazing Topaz Labs DeNoise AI for noise removal, the P1000 has become my "go-to" camera for wildlife and nature photography. Basically, if my old eyes can see something in the distance, I can get a usable shot of it.

Then tragically on 12 May 2024 and 55,409 brackets (166,227 shutter activations) later, the P1000 abruptly and without warning died as I was simply walking with it, looking for the next bird. Sadly, this left me in a dilemma because after almost six years Nikon is no longer producing them or a new model to replace it and stores no longer have them in stock and there’s nothing available from any other manufacturer that rivals it (a truly one of a kind camera). Happily, it was then discovered that a friend of a friend had a virtually unused P1000, having taken only 52 shots with it before learning it was too much camera for him and he was happy to sell it to me on 22 May 2024.

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Female Belted Kingfisher DSCN145196 Osprey Taking Flight Off An Antenna DSCN145123 Reddish Blue Moon Setting DSCN144896 Heron Head DSCN144878
Geese In Flight Over Bales & Barn In Fog DSCN144852 Ruffled Great Blue Heron In Foam DSCN144682 Great Blue Heron In Misty Old Slys Rapids DSCN144607 Mr & Mrs Kingfisher On A Cable DSCN144514
Common Sunflower & Bee Beyond Mexican Sunflower DSCN144389 Female Rose-breasted Grosbeak DSCN144255 Female Rose-breasted Grosbeak Taking Flight DSCN144254 First Fall Foliage DSCN144252
Male Northern Flicker At Sunrise DSCN144242 Two Mile Long Eastbound Freight Train From Back To Front White-breasted Nuthatch DSCN144184 Bullfrog Between Two Lily Pads DSCN144035
First Autumn Leaf Fallen DSCN143989 Great Blue Heron In Flight DSCN143984 Great Egret With A Catch DSCN143807 Great Egret With A Catch DSCN143803
Great Blue Heron & Great Egret In The Swale DSCN143789 Great Egret Scratching An Itch DSCN143671 Great Egret In The Swale DSCN143662 Grasshopper Up Close DSCN143539
Juvenile Osprey Calling DSCN143498 Juvenile Osprey Taking Flight Off A Building DSCN143416 Interesting Morning Sky DSCN143398-00 Red-eyed Vireo Singing DSCN143288
Wet Red Gladiolus DSCN143237 Pied-billed Grebe Stretching DSCN143206 Juvenile Osprey On A Dead Branch Calling DSCN142991 Osprey In Flight DSCN142969
Osprey In Flight DSCN142961 Mexican Sunflower DSCN142907 Red-eyed Vireo Singing DSCN142831 Cedar Waxwing DSCN142811
Otter Having Breakfast DSCN142784 Bumblebee In Flight DSCN142744 (crop) Cedar Waxwing Scratching An Itch DSCN142588 Bullfrog On A Wet Lily Pad DSCN142418
Osprey Taking Flight DSCN142306 Osprey Taking Flight DSCN142306 (crop) Eastern Forktail Damselfly, Immature Female DSCN142243 Cedar Waxwing On A Picnic Table DSCN142151
Double-crested Cormorant Drying Its Wings DSCN142107 Yellow Warbler Taking Flight DSCN141920 Bald-faced Hornet On A Milkweed Flower DSCN141845 Osprey In Flight DSCN141553
Osprey Taking Flight From An Antenna DSCN141550 Wild Turkey & Chicks DSCN141519 Green Heron With A Catch DSCN141496 Cormorant Closeup DSCN141467
Backlit Osprey With Spread Wings Atop A Tree DSCN141319 Male Eastern Forktail Damselfly In Flight DSCN141295 White-breasted Nuthatch With Catch DSCN141023 Osprey In Flight DSCN140899
Great Blue Heron With A Fish DSCN140743 Great Black Wasp And Yellowjacket DSCN140538 Hoverfly On A Coneflower DSCN140444 (crop) Milkweed Leaf Beetles Going At It DSCN140350
Cedar Waxwing On A Fir Tree DSCN140225 Blue Dasher Dragonfly Dashing DSCN140039 Blue Dasher Closeup DSCN139889 Blue Dasher Closeup DSCN139850
Bee In Flight Over Coneflower DSCN139837 Yellow Warbler With A Catch DSCN139797 Dragonfly On Purple Loosestrife DSCN139750 House Finch DSCN139666
Warbling Vireo Out On A Limb DSCN139651 Interesting Sky Above The Swale DSCN139640 Osprey In Flight Past Dam DSCN139423 Monarch Butterfly On A Coneflower DSCN139144.6
Painted Turtle Head Above Water DSCN139117 Two Male House Finches DSCN138988 Hopping House Finch DSCN138972 House Finch With A Morsel DSCN138967
House Finch Liking The Lichen DSCN138966 Sunspots 17 July 2023 DSCN138947 Deer Crossing Field DSCN138901 Green Heron In Distant Tree DSCN138857
Bullfrog On Water Lily Pad Reflected DSCN138823 Green Heron On A Dead Limb DSCN138761.5 Great Blue Heron Landing DSCN138744 Dragonfly On A Coneflower DSCN138580
Dragonfly On A Coneflower DSCN138561 Beetle & Dragonfly DSCN138197 Great Blue Heron Taking Flight DSCN138163 Great Blue Heron In Flight DSCN138164
Mist Beyond Geese DSCN138004 Great Blue Heron On The Rocks DSCN137942 Sunrays DSCN137907 House Finch From The Rear DSCN137855
Green Bottle Fly On A Black-eyed Susan DSCN137804 Blue Dasher Dragonfly On The End Of A Twig DSCN137704 Male American Goldfinch DSCN137647 Male Northern Flicker On The Ground DSCN137506
Dragonfly On A Purple Flower DSCN137407 Sedge Sprite Damselfly Closer DSCN137357 Sedge Sprite Damselfly DSCN137357 Osprey In A Tree DSCN137312
Yellow Warbler Bending Over Backward For A Catch DSCN137251 Gray Catbird Singing Atop A Sapling DSCN137209 Narrow-banded Picture-winged Fly DSCN137168 20230703 Sunspots DSCN137114
Male Northern Flicker Closer DSCN137067 Male Northern Flicker DSCN137057 Curled Up Caterpillar Under Red Berry DSCN136858 Banded Hairstreak Butterfly DSCN136656
Male Northern Cardinal Singing DSCN136464 Wet Lilies DSCN136386BW Wet Lilies DSCN136386 Bow Reflected DSCN136345
Common Gallinule Reflected DSCN136326 Female Belted Kingfisher On A Cable DSCN136265 Blue Dasher Dragonfly DSCN136241 Great Blue Heron Flying In Wildfire Smoke Over Lower Rideau Lake DSCN136073
Smoky Big Rideau Lake DSCN136058 Red Sun Through Wildfire Smoke DSCN135949 Fog Beyond Deer In Golden Field DSCN135845 Bumble Bee Flying Near Viper's Bugloss DSCN135789
Croaking Bullfrog DSCN135731 Powdered Dancer Damselfly DSCN135677-9 Two Daisies DSCN135548 Tiny Bug On A Dewy Feather DSCN135473
Male Common Yellowthroat DSCN135409 Red-winged Blackbird Taking Flight DSCN135306 Double (Siamese) Daisy DSCN135200 White Zinnia DSCN135147BW
Yellow Warbler With A Mouthful Of Bugs DSCN135098 Bass Season First Day DSCN134833 Yellow Warbler With A Mouthful Of Bugs DSCN134674 Trumpeter Swan Spreading Its Wings DSCN134619
Common Gallinule In Grassy Marsh DSCN134598 Common Gallinule & Wood Duck DSCN134594-5 Mute Swan At Sunrise DSCN134511 Mallard Mother & Nine Ducklings DSCN134451
Two Common Loons DSCN134359 Common Loon DSCN134352 Orange Eastern Forktail Damselfly DSCN134217 (crop) Red-eyed Vireo Calling DSCN133995
Recently Fledged Juvenile House Finch DSCN133954 Abstract-1 DSCN133936 Kingfisher On A Cable DSCN133824 Squirrel With A Bagel DSCN133778
Feather Macro DSCN133740 20230607 Red Moon From Wildfire Smoke DSCN133263 20230606 Red Sun & Sunspots DSCN133238 Loon Spreading Wings In Wildfire Smoke DSCN133180
20230605 Red Sun & Sunspots DSCN133134 Purple Velvet Iris Close Up DSCN133124 Yellow Water Lily Reflected & Pad DSCN133061 Fledgling Grackle Being Fed DSCN132992
Wood Duck Head-On DSCN132983 Wind Ruffled Yellow Warbler DSCN132728 Ant On A Peony Bud DSCN132572 Baltimore Oriole DSCN132428
Great Blue Heron Poised To Strike DSCN132205BW Great Blue Heron Poised To Strike DSCN132205 Baltimore Oriole Singing DSCN132192 Great Egret In Flight DSCN132114
Sailboats On The Ottawa River DSCN132083 Keeley Falls DSCN132002-4 Great Blue Heron & Shadow DSCN131886 Two Grebes Going At It DSCN131789
Common Loon DSCN131646 Tree Swallow In Flight DSCN131507 Two Eastern Kingbirds DSCN131495 Great Blue Heron With A Catfish DSCN131440
Great Blue Heron With A Catfish DSCN131433 Mallard Family Swimming In Foam DSCN131265 Yellow Warbler Warbling DSCN131175 Common Loon Wing Flap DSCN131079
Yellow Warbler Warbling DSCN130952 Great Blue Heron In Flight DSCN130872 Grackle With Nest Material DSCN130655 Laughing Immature Cormorant DSCN130552
Yellow Warbler On A Small Tree DSCN130521 Warbling Vireo DSCN130382 Clouded Red Sun DSCN130349 White-crowned Sparrow Dining On Dandelion Seeds Close DSCN130200
Grackle In Flight DSCN130118 Spider Lurking Under A Tulip DSCN130073-83 Painted Turtle Swimming DSCN129882 Putting Le Boats Back In The Water DSCN129759
Yellow Warbler DSCN129443 Yellow Warbler Warbling DSCN129173 Dark Clouds Beyond The Swale DSCN12916 Gosling Under A Watchful Eye DSCN128879
Bug Lurking In A Flower DSCN128803 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker DSCN128759 Female Red-winged Blackbird Taking Flight DSCN128526 Cedar Waxwing Up Close DSCN128484
Pied-Billed Grebe On A Nest DSCN128433 Great Blue Heron In The Swale Reflected DSCN128290 Male Northern Cardinal DSCN128241 Male Northern Cardinal DSCN128226
Flower Moon Setting Beyond Hydro Tower At Sunrise DSCN128070 Painted Turtle Sunning On A Fallen Tree DSCN127986 Tiny Fly On A Dandelion DSCN127937 Common Loon With Spread Wings DSCN127736
Wet Red Tulip Close DSCN127695 Tiny Water Droplets In Spiraea Spring Leaves DSCN127690 Trumpeter Swan In The Swale DSCN127670 Clouded Spring Sun DSCN127487-91
Closed Red Tulips DSCN127458 Wet Patio Table Top DSCN127379 Tulip Soon To Bloom DSCN127378 Tree Swallow With Nest Material DSCN127348
Budding Tulip DSCN127272 Tree Swallow In Flight DSCN127216 Great Blue Heron On A Mound Reflected DSCN127177 Great Blue Heron Squawking In Flight DSCN127167
Three Common Loons DSCN127017 Osprey Raising A Wing DSCN126984 Great Blue Heron With A Catch DSCN126940 Starling On A Rusty Bridge Calling DSCN126903
Cedar Waxwing Eating A Tree Bud DSCN126847 Male Cardinal Taking Flight DSCN126793 Male Downy Woodpecker DSCN126790 Sunstruck RedWhite Tulips DSCN126755
Bug In The Shadow Of A Yellow Pushpin DSCN126736-8 Brockville Railway Tunnel DSCN126664.7 Mute Swan Couple DSCN126614 Canada Goose In Flight DSCN126552
Wood Duck On A Stump Reflected DSCN126463 Beaver Swimming Up Close DSCN126448 Male Bufflehead In Flight DSCN126407 Old Window Before & After Fire
Tree Swallow Calling With Raised Wings DSCN126260 Mr & Ms Wood Duck DSCN126223 Mr & Ms Wood Duck DSCN126221 Abstract With Beaver Closeup DSCN126117
Striped Squill DSCN126090 Striped Squill DSCN126073 Hairy Woodpecker In The Fork Of A Tree DSCN126034 Male Common Merganser In Flight At Sunrise DSCN125960
Mute Swan Busking DSCN125831 American Goldfinch DSCN125821 Common Loon DSCN125797 Northern Rough-winged Swallow DSCN125680
Misty Water Beyond Two Geese At Sunrise DSCN125577 Tree Swallow DSCN125367 Lac Gallipeau DSCN125190-2 20230405 Ice Storm (DSCN125148-50)
20230405 Ice Storm - Broken Tree & Large Downed Limb DSCN125118 20230405 Ice Storm DSCN125072 Approaching Storm Beyond The Swale DSCN124948 Common Loon DSCN124918
Pied-billed Grebe With Catch DSCN124886 Pied-billed Grebe With Catch DSCN124885 Immature Bald Eagle In A Distant Tree DSCN124871 Ring-necked Duck Couple DSCN124696
Osprey Ready To Strike DSCN124673 Osprey Scaring Off A Squirrel DSCN124672 Osprey Couple DSCN124668-9 Wet Tulip Sprouts In Snow DSCN124586
Osprey On A Floodlight DSCN124406 Tulip Sprouts & Snow DSCN124390 Bricks Lines & Shadows DSCN124362 Abstract DSCN124273
Water Bottle Bubbles Close-up2 DSCN124250 Water Bottle Bubbles Close-up1 DSCN124250 Mute Swan Busking DSCN124143 American Robin DSCN123999
Cloud Mountain DSCN123958 Abstract In Ice DSCN123854 Song Sparrow Singing DSCN123828 Two Green-winged Teals with a Mallard DSCN123768
Two Canada Geese Taking Flight DSCN123591 Three Male Wood Ducks DSCN123572 Male Common Merganser In Flight DSCN123489 Grackle On A Cable DSCN123450
Pied-billed Grebe DSCN123377 Trumpeter Swan Confrontation DSCN123358 Two Trumpeter Swans In Flight DSCN123230 Four Trumpeter Swans In Flight Rear View DSCN123143
American Mink On Ice Close DSCN123057 American Mink On Ice DSCN123057 Hundreds Of Geese At Sunrise DSCN123020-2 Sunrays Beyond Rideau Canal DSCN122918
Otter On Ice DSCN122843 Otter Face DSCN122840 Female Common Merganser With Catch DSCN122820 Snow Plastered Trees DSCN122740
Winter Landscape In Snowstorm DSCN122731 Snow Plastered Trees DSCN122704 Dead Tree In Snowstorm DSCN122690 CP Rail Yard In Snowstorm DSCN122672
Two Male Mallards In Snowfall DSCN122639-40 Male Common Merganser At Sunrise DSCN122585 Trumpeter Swan Preening Close DSCN122573 Male Common Merganser Rising Up DSCN122534
Mute Swan Tasting The Water Closer DSCN122491 Mute Swan Tasting The Water DSCN122491 Female Common Merganser Spreading Her Wings DSCN122429 Hooded Merganser With Catch DSCN122402
Clouded Full March Worm Moon DSCN122305-7 Immature Bald Eagle DSCN122276 Trumpeter Swans In An Uproar DSCN122257-8 Trumpeter Swan In Flight DSCN122256
Two Trumpeter Swans In Flight DSCN122255 Mute Swan Swimming Near Ice DSCN122176 Steam Fog Beyond Two Backlit Geese DSCN122108-9 Eagle Tree In Light Snow DSCN122097
Bald Eagle In A Distant Tree DSCN122085 Red-winged Blackbird Calling DSCN122075 Common Merganser Pair DSCN121976 Hoarfrost On A Red Post DSCN121890
Combined Lock Icefall DSCN121785 Juvenile Trumpeter Swan Yawning DSCN121756 Winter Oak Leaf In Ice DSCN121714 (crop) Winter Morning Landscape DSCN121675
Blue Jay Calling From Atop A Spruce Tree DSCN121654 Otter With Fish For Breakfast DSCN121626 Otter Scratching An Itch DSCN121614 Seventeen Canada Geese DSCN121592
Trumpeter Swan Kicking Up The Bottom DSCN121525 Otter On Ice On The Go DSCN121483 Two Otters On Ice, Two Channel Markers In Ice DSCN121472 Clouded Sun With Sunspots DSCN121400
Trumpeter Swan In Flight DSCN121370 Six Trumpeter Swans In Flight DSCN121358 Four Trumpeter Swans Flying Beyond Trees DSCN121353 Five Swans A-swimming DSCN121340-1
Bald Eagle In Distant Tree DSCN121271 Landscape DSCN121242 Otter At Breakfast In Ice At Sunrise DSCN121161-4 Mute & Trumpeter Swans DSCN121105-6
Waning Gibbous Snow Moon Beyond Lift Bridge DSCN121084 Muskrat At Breakfast On Ice DSCN121036 Mute & Trumpeter Swans DSCN120975 Laneway In Lifting Fog DSCN120915
Skunk On The Run DSCN120882 Ice Fishing On Lower Rideau Lake DSCN120825 Dog With Ice Fisherman DSCN120804 Augering Ice DSCN120794
Dripping Black Duck DSCN120772 Otter On Ice DSCN120704 Edmonds Overflow Dam Mist DSCN120649 Clouded Sun Rising DSCN120561
Winter Swale Mist At Sunrise DSCN120547 Muskrat On Ice At Breakfast DSCN120528 Mute Swan DSCN120441-2 Muskrat On Ice DSCN120363
Three Common Mergansers DSCN120297 Male Common Merganser DSCN120260 Muskrat On Ice DSCN120187 Mute Swan Landing DSCN120054
Winter Wonderland DSCN120006 Winter Wonderland DSCN119990 Snowy Windstorm Victim DSCN119951 Mute & Trumpeter Swans DSCN119791
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