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Moon Gallery

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Lunar Eclipses Gallery
<< Lunar Eclipses Gallery >>
Lunar Corona DSCN017588 2024 Cold Moon 90D134781 Cold Moon Beyond Lower Reach 90D134811-2
Moon Terminator DSCN015442 Waning 96% Beaver Moon DSCN015921 Clouded Beaver Moon Setting Beyond Town 90D133077-81 Crescent Moon Beyond CPKC Rail Yard At Dawn 90D132344
Crescent Moon Beyond VIA Rail 41 At Dawn 90D128801 Dawn Clouds & Waning Crescent Moon 90D128505-9 20240917 Partial Lunar Eclipse DSCN013346 Crescent Moon Beyond Contrail At Dawn DSCN012130
Clouded Sturgeon Blue Moon DSCN011160 Waxing Gibbous Moon DSCN011082 Waning Crescent Moon Crop DSCN009324 Waning Buck Moon Beyond Dragonfly On Post DSCN008361
Moon In The Clouds At Dawn DSCN008304 Flower Moon Beyond Kilmarnock Island 90D112590 Clouded Moon Setting Beyond Lower Reach 90D112083 20240510 Aurora & Crescent Moon 90D111320
20240510 Aurora & Clouded Crescent Moon (iPhone 14-3131) Moon Beyond Ground fog 90D109978BW Moon Beyond Ground fog 90D109978 Osprey Watching Waning Worm Moon DSCN162351
Crescent Moon Beyond Thawing Irish Creek At Sunrise DSCN160478 Crescent Moon Beyond The Victoria Basin At Dawn 90D105331-5 Setting Full Snow Moon Beyond Hydro Tower DSCN159661 Full Snow Moon Beyond Centennial Park DSCN159641
Clouded Moon Setting Beyond Frosted Landscape 90D103964 Clouded Setting Waxing Snow Moon DSCN159375 Crescent Moon Beyond Turtle Island At Dawn 90D102407 Waning Cold Moon Through Clouds 90D98907-11
Waning Gibbous Moon DSCN155948 Waning Gibbous Moon DSCN155948 (TS2-80s haze) Full Moon Beyond VIA New Fleet Train 41 Arriving In Fog 90D98330 Waxing Crescent Moon DSCN154992
Jupiter & The Moon Appulse DSCN152691 Waxing Crescent Moon At Sunset DSCN151939 Crescent Moon Beyond The Rail Yard At Dawn 90D91977 Clouded Crescent Moon Beyond Autumn Tree 90D91679
Hotel Under Moonlit Clouds (iPhone14-2560) Waxing Gibbous Moon DSCN149956 Waxing Gibbous Moon DSCN149956 (crop) Clouded Crescent Moon & Venus Beyond Turtle Island 90D89060-4
Moon Sinking Into Cloud 90D86922 Moon Beyond Night Fishing 90D85873-7 Crescent Moon Beyond Sunset Cloud Arch (iPhone14-2257-62) Reddish Blue Moon Setting DSCN144896
2023 Blue Moon Beyond Duck Island Footbridge 90D79949-53 Crescent Moon Beyond Rideau Canal At Night 90D76565-9 Clouded Moon At Night Beyond The Hotel (iPhone14-1562) Moonrays Beyond Victoria Basin At Night (iPhone14-1534)
Waning Buck Moon Beyond Clouds At Sunrise 90D72810 Buck Moon Setting Beyond Lower Reach Park 90D71809-18 20230607 Red Moon From Wildfire Smoke DSCN133263 Clouded Setting Moon 90D67782
Venus, Contrail, Waxing Crescent Moon 90D66429 Flower Moon Setting Beyond Hydro Tower At Sunrise DSCN128070 Flower Moon Beyond Misty Otter Creek 90D63659-63 Clouded Moonset Beyond Lower Reach 90D63169
Clouded Moonset Beyond Lower Reach 90D63139-43 Crescent Pink Moon At Sunrise 90D61871-5 Water Tower Lit Blue For World Autism Month 90D61210-4 April Pink Moon At Sunrise 90D61074
Moon Beyond Departing Cloud Bank At Sunset 90D60397-01 First Quarter Moon Beyond The Swale At Night 90D59741-5 Clouded Waxing Crescent Moon 90D59236-40 Waning Crescent Worm Moon At Dawn 90D58500
Lunar Corona Beyond Victoria Basin 90D57931.8 Worm Moon With Lunar Corona 90D57921-5 Clouded Full Worm Moon Beyond Beckwith Street Bridge 90D57620-4 Clouded Full March Worm Moon DSCN122305-7
Clouded Waning Crescent Snow Moon 90D55804 Moon At Dawn 90D55519 Moon Beyond Frozen Irish Creek At Sunrise 90D55313-7 Waning Gibbous Snow Moon Beyond Lift Bridge DSCN121084
Snow Moon Beyond The Swale At Sunrise 90D54703 Moon Beyond Old Barn At Dawn 90D51312-21 Wolf Moon With Lunar Corona Over Water Tower 90D49686-90 2022-23 Celebration of Lights At Night 90D48546-50
Full Cold Moon & Mars Post Occultation DSCN116845 Waning Gibbous Moon 68% Illuminated DSCN11544-31 20221108 Lunar Eclipse Beyond the Swale At Dawn 90D42360 20221108 Total Lunar Eclipse At Dawn 90D42312
20221108 Total Lunar Eclipse - Start to End Hunter's Waning Crescent Moon DSCN113965 Crescent Moon Beyond The Rideau Canal At Dawn DSCN113827-9 Hunter's Moon Setting Beyond Autumnscape 90D37809-13
Two Geese Flying Toward Waning Crescent Moon 90D35853 Waning Crescent Moon DSCN110955 Clouded Harvest Moon 90D35264 Clouded Moon Beyond Lift Bridge At Night 90D32195.03
Clouded Moon Beyond Old Post Office 90D32165-89 Clouded Moon Beyond Beckwith Street At Night 90D32125.44 Sturgeon Moon Beyond Footbridge Over The Rideau Canal 90D31742-6 Crescent Moon Beyond Rideau Canal 90D30083-7
Crescent Moon & Venus At Sunrise 90D27055-9 Crescent Moon Beyond The Railway Museum 90D26799-03 Daylight Moon DSCN99354 Silos & Strawberry Moon At Sunrise 90D26210
Clouded Strawberry Moon 90D26060-1 20220515-16 Lunar Eclipse 90D22662 20220515-16 Total Lunar Eclipse Beyond Turtle Island 90D22656 20220515-16 Total Lunar Eclipse Beyond Victoria Basin 90D22622-6
Crescent Moon Between Snow Squall Clouds 90D18373 Waning Half Last Quarter Moon 90D17819 The 6:22 Train Torontobound 90D17298 Setting March Worm Moon Partly Obscured 90D17046
2022 February Snow Moon DSCN89962 Crescent Moon 4% Illuminated DSCN88770 Crescent Moon 4% Illuminated DSCN88755 Crescent Moon Over Footbridge Winter Approach 90D13722
Waning Crescent Moon DSCN88563 Moon Over Fog Bank Beyond Centennial Park 90D13259-63 Moon Over Foggy Frozen Combined Lock 90D13144-8 Wolf Moon Through Clouds DSCN88369
Waxing Crescent Moon DSCN88203 Moon Over The Swale At Sunrise DSCN87707 Cold Moon Setting Beyond The Swale DSCN87436 Cold Moon Beyond CP 90D11361-5
Moon Over 2021 Celebration of Lights 90D10554-8 The Plane Flew Under The Moon DSCN86060 Beaver Full Moon After The Eclipse Setting Into Clouds DSCN85970 20211119 Partial Lunar Eclipse @ 4:06 (90D09814)
20211119 Partial Lunar Eclipse @ 3:43 (DSCN85932) 20211119 Partial Lunar Eclipse Through Clouds (90D09689-93) 20211119 Partial Lunar Eclipse @ 2:30 (DSCN85901) Moon & Jupiter Through Hazy Cloud Cover 90D09348-52
Waning Hunter's Crescent Moon DSCN75524 Waning Gibbous Hunter's Moon DSCN75062 Hunter's Moon Over Ground Fog 90D07911-5 Clouded Moon Beyond Autumn Tree 90D07496-0
Harvest Moon Beyond Contrail DSCN72671 Harvest Full Moon Setting Into Fog 90D05675 Harvest Full Moon Setting Into Fog 90D05672 Harvest Moon-Rays 90D05643-7BW
Harvest Moon Over Distant Fog 90D05613-7 Moon Shining Through Sunset Clouds DSCN71831 Sturgeon Moon Setting Beyond The Swale 90D03913-6 Sturgeon Moon Setting Beyond The Swale 90D03883-6
Sturgeon Blue Moon & Jupiter Over Ground Fog 90D03838-42 Red Crescent Moon P1060552 Red Moon Beyond Clock Tower 90D-01564-6 Setting Strawberry Moon DSCN65110
20210610 Partial Eclipse Thru Clouds P1600659 20210610 Partial Eclipse Thru Clouds P1600664 20210610 Partial Eclipse At Sunrise P1600646-50 20210610 Partial Eclipse At Sunrise P1600611-5
Heron & Moon Over The Le Boat Fleet DSCN60515 Clouded Flower Moon Over The Le Boat Fleet P1600346-50 Geese Flying Over The 2021 Flower Full Moon DSCN60305.25 Moon Over Irish Creek At Sunrise DSCN56123
2021 Pink Moon Setting DSCN55556 Crescent Moon Beyond Sunrise Clouds DSCN53351 Moon & Budding Tree DSCN52514 Moon Over The Swale DSCN52508
2021 Worm Moon DSCN52476 Kite Flying Over The Moon DSCN52000.6 Clouded Crescent Moon DSCN50170 Last Quarter Moon DSCN47474
Along The Moon Terminator DSCN47295 Spruced Up Moon DSCN47273 Moonset, Smiths Falls, Ontario DSCN47142-53 Wolf Moon Lowering Beyond The Swale DSCN47084.7
Wolf Moon Through Clouds DSCN47064-6 Skein of Geese Over Rising Beaver Full Moon P1570589 Setting Beaver Moon Beyond Bascule Bridge DSCN41993 Clouded Beaver Moon & Rail Yard At Night DSCN41892-4
3rd Quarter Moon DSCN39779 Moon & Clouds DSCN39318 Clouded Halloween Blue Hunter's Moon P1570278 Halloween Blue Hunter's Moon Setting DSCN38876
The Moon Through Clouds DSCN38495 Moon & Venus Over Autumn Trees DSCN37038 Moon & Jet DSCN36567.77 Clouded Harvest Moon-Mars Conjunction DSCN35777
2020 Harvest Moon P1560340-6 Moon & Venus Over The Water Tower P1550877-82 Mars-Moon Conjunction (20200906) DSCN32149 Crescent Moon About To Disappear DSCN29541
Moon & Mars Conjunction P1550349 Moon Beyond Sunflower DSCN28497.05 Moon Over The Rideau Canal At Sunrise DSCN27993 Night Sky Composite P1550014
Moon, Bascule Bridge, Comet NEOWISE P1540991 Saturn-Moon-Jupiter Conjunction 2020 (P1540756-62) Buck Moon In Penumbral Eclipse DSCN23930 Moon Over Departing Storm Clouds DSCN19453-5
Clouded Flower Moon P1530394 Interesting Night Sky P1530362-8 Full Flower Moon Setting Into Clouds P1530273,251 Mars Saturn Jupiter above the Moon P1530110-6
Moon - Last Quarter DSCN13132 April Pink 'Supermoon' Setting Beyond Trees DSCN12736 Pink Full Moon Setting Over Otter Lake DSCN12736 Pink Full Moon Setting Over Otter Lake P1530005-11
Moon Setting Beyond The Swale P1520983-9 Waning Crescent Moon, 28% Illuminated DSCN11040 Waning Crescent Moon, 28% Illuminated DSCN11040 (crop) Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, & Moon P1520641-7
Full Worm Moon Setting DSCN10453 Full Worm Moon Setting DSCN10421 Moon Above Four Trees At Sunrise P1510688-94 Moon Over Winter Swale DSCN09395
Moon Beyond Winterscape At Sunrise P1510548-54 Clouded Snow Moon DSCN09136 Snow Moon Setting Between Boathouses P1510513-9 Snow Moon Setting Over The Swale P1510471-7
Venus-Moon Conjunction P1500244 Waning Crescent Moon At Sunrise P1500131-7 Waning Gibbous Moon 57% Illuminated DSCN06331 Waning Gibbous Moon 57% Illuminated DSCN06331 (Cropped)
Clouded Moon Beyond Clock Tower P1490774-80 Moon Setting Over The Swale P1490620-6 Moon Waning Crescent 43.5% (DSCN04953) Moon Craters DSCN03693crop
Waning Hunter's Moon DSCN03333.7 Crescent Moon Over Rideau Canal Sunrise Fog P1460187 Belated Harvest Moon P1450386-92 28% Crescent Moon DSCN00220
Waning Buck Moon Over Victoria Basin P1430031-6 Moon At Sunrise P1410862-8 Strawberry Moon Setting P1410810-6 Moon & Clouds At Sunrise P1400962-8
Setting Flower Moon P1140101-7 Irish Creek Moonrise P1400191-4 Barn & Tree At Night P1390921-7 Setting Moon P1390677-83
Moon With Geese In Flight At Sunrise P1080594.6 Clouded Worm Moon P1080405 Crescent Moon Over Turtle Island At Dawn P1380904-10 Setting Snow Moon Over Collapsing Boathouse P1060821-7
Setting Snow Moon Beyond Winter Tree P1060814-20 Setting Snow Moon Beyond Winter Tree P1060723-9 2019 Snow Moon DSCN32636 Faux 2019 Super Blood Wolf Moon P1050620
2019 Super Blood Wolf Moon P1380366 Clouded Crescent Moon P1370723.6 Moon & Venus Over Turtle Island P1370700-6 Moon Over Rideau Canal At Sunrise P1370116-22
Sunrise Moon P1370111 Clouded Cold Moon Setting P1360891-7 Clouded Cold Moon Setting P1360857-61 Moon Beyond Contrail P1350453-66
Autumn Moon P1020218 Clouded Hunter's Moon P1020002 Moon Beyond Autumn Color DSCN32354.7 Moon & Osprey DSCN32259
Crescent Moonrise P1330279-81 Crescent Moonrise P1330270-2 Moon Setting Over Misty Cornfield P1330016-8 Waning Crescent Moonrise P1320651-3
Waning Crescent Moonrise P1320616 Clouded Moon Over Irish Creek P1320274-9 Buck Moon Over Canal Basin P1320239-45 Buck Moon Over Canal Basin P1320162-8
Moon Over Misty Irish Creek At Sunrise P1310629-33 Moon Setting Into Sunrise Cloud Bank DSCN24132-3 Moon & Geese Over Misty Kilmarnock P1300577-9 Moon Over Irish Creek P1300501-7
Clouded Moon At Sunrise DSCN19535 Crescent Moon Over Cloud Bank P1290473.83 Crescent Moon Over Turtle Island P1290476-8 2018 Hazy Super Blue Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse P1290437
2018 Clouded Super Blue Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse P1290384-90 Moon At Sunrise Composite DSCN18644-9 Cold Moon Rising P1280242-8 Moonrise, Rideau Canal, Ontario P1280221-7
2017 Beaver (aka Frost) Moon Setting P1270310-6 Harvest Moon Over The Swale P1260517-23 Moon Over Pouch Cove P1250130-4 Moon Over Pouch Cove P1250085-9
Moon Over Pouch Cove P1250084 Giant Rubber Duck Backside P1230220-4 Thunder Moon Setting P1210997-02 Thunder Moon Rising P1210902-4
3% Waning Crescent Moon P1210540-5 Strawberry Moonset P1210384 Setting Flower Moon DSCN07374 Setting Flower Moon DSCN07361
Sap Moon Over Otter Lake P1180976-82 Last Quarter Moon Sunrise P1180201-3 Snow Moon Setting P1180009-10 Wolf Moon & Light Standard P1170190-2
Setting Cold Moon P1160593-9 Cold Moon Over The Swale P1160476 Cold Moon Setting Beyond Collapsing Boathouses P1160439-45 Clouded Cold Moon P1160419
20161113 Supermoon Rising DSCN00726.9 Day After The Full Moon P1140203 Sturgeon Moon Over Ground Fog P1100469-71 2016 Buck Moon P1090125-7
Osprey & Moon DSCF12325.34 2016 Strawberry Moon At Sunrise P1080092-8 Full Moon & Hot Air Balloon P1060780.805 Crescent Moonrise P1050014-6
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