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Landscapes Gallery

Below are some of my landscape photos, landscapes being defined as scenes in nature outside urban communities which I categorize as 'Cityscapes' and those can be viewed here.

Many more landscape photos taken during the golden hours of the day (dawn and dusk) can also be found in my 'Golden Hour' gallery which can be viewed here and my 'Fog, Ground Fog & Mist gallery which can be viewed here.

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Snowscape Shadow 32311 Autumn Back Road P1100499-501 Winter Pines 32602 Marlborough Forest Snowscape 33220
Sunrise Sunrays P1220182-8 Trees In Fog P1030443-5 Cove Road In Autumn 29550 Snowy Pines DSCF11911
Winter Laneway 32613 Winter Lone Tree DSCF0613 Trees In Snowstorm 20130315 Wintry Cataraqui Trail 32387
Storm Approaching Barn DSCN38581-7 Snowscape 20848 Autumn Tree & Fence 20140929 Marsh 20121108
Field Of Bales 20120720 Autumnscape P1140314-6 Sunrise Rainbow P1300966.69.72 Stewart Park In Winter DSCN18737-9
Lone Pine In Snowstorm DSCF12741 Winter Farmscape P1050856 Purple Loosestrife Pasture P1220900-2 Autumn Tree 29716
Snowscape 32500 Country Lane 00672 Stewart Park In Winter DSCN18737-9 B&W Snowy Leaning Tree P1010314-6
Red Dunes 27740 Fall Snowfall P1020446-8BW Backlit Purple Loosestrife DSCF07193-5 Autumn Back Road P1010003
Field Contours 29868 Hocking Hills Trail DSCF06270-2 Autumn Scene 29557 Autumn Lane DSCF23355-7
Sunset Landscape 28171 Heritage House Under Dappled Sky DSCN03288-90 Daybreak Scudding Clouds P1210872 Big Bend 6810
Wall Of Corn P1070686-8 Snowbound Shelter 32647 Garden Bench 20140615 Foggy Morning Dog Walker DSCN13454
Gulf Of Saint Lawrence Dawn 27012 Tree In A Field 12822-3 Yosemite Cathedral Spires 22915 Golden Cornfield P1100400-2
White Sands 32230BW Moraine Lake 18143 Live Oaks 53607 More Premature Autumn Color 20140829
Rows Of Bare Trees In Fog DSCN01206 Autumn Landscape DSCN32525-7 Trees Against Fog 29256 Pines In Fog 20140114
Springtime Hutton Creek DSCN03795-7 Autumnscape DSCN15981-3 Trees In Winter Fog P1050914-6 Field of Snow Geese 72792
Lone Red Tree 20140921 Autumn Cross Road DSCN16797-9 Last Fall Foliage DSCN00485-7 Trees On Seacow Head 27536
Three Trees & Bench In Fog 20131202 Snowy Bales 20297 Landscape DSCF14502-4 Snowscape 33234
Winter Back Road P1110384-6 Two Autumn Trees DSCN16802 Autumn Snow P1010778-80 Autumn Backroad P1000238-40
Split-rail Snowscape 20140129 Backlit Autumn Tree Beside Soccer Field DSCN16962-7 Autumn Back Road P1140518-20 Autumn Back Road P1200254-6
Pine Forest DSCF04263 Winter Cornfield 20131207 Quiet Back Road DSCF18292-4 Autumnscape At Davis Lock P1460996
Morningside Lane DSCF17658-60 Ken Reid Conservation Area 20120715 Ornamental Gardens Bench DSCF17433 Autumn Snowfall P1010677
Overcast Landscape P1130292-4 Autumn Back Road P1200169-71 Autumn Tree P1140268 Autumn Leftovers P1240770
Snowscape 33930 Experimental Farm Field DSCF17631 Distant Fog P1260197-203 Winter Stream 21218-9
Snowscape 20140117 The Swale After The Ice Storm DSCN06827 Autumn Backroad DSCN32486-8 Bill Holland Nature Trail 00382
Landscape DSCF14505-7 Autumn Back Road P1140536-8 Autumnscape P1010877-9 Birches DSCN07342 'Art'
Winter Trees 33917 Early Morning Bales 35719-21 Path Through Trees In Morning Fog DSCN160370 Two Bales At Sunrise P1220783-89v2
Bales in Ground Fog P1340268BW Thunderhead Beyond Barn DSCN35107 Bucolic Back Road P1170443-5 Trail Through Lower Reach Park DSCN31448-50
Autumn Back Road P1210009-11 Autumn Trees P1140655-7 Midwinter Thaw P1000852-6 Newfoundland Coast DSCN14766
Florida Landscape 2457 Buried Stone Arch Dam DSCN03200-2 Autumn Trees In Fog P1470773 Autumn Trees At Sunrise 20131104
Pines On Turtle Island 20150108 Moon Setting Over Misty Cornfield P1330016-8 Fall Snowfall P1020446-8 Imperial Sand Dunes 26611
Joshua Tree 25834 Autumn Back Road P1140163 Early Morning Bales 20130804 Autumn Color Beyond Pines DSCN15977
Trees In Winter Fog P1050886 Trees In Fog DSCN19273 Cape Spear Light DSCN14439 Bale With Tree In Ground Fog P1320367-9BW
Jack Pine Trail DSCF23487-9 Winter Farmscape 20150207 Canadian Rocky Mountains 18166 Nature Trail DSCF09756
Foggy Park DSCN01050 Autumn Backroad DSCF09767 Reflections On Ice 20150106 Smoky Mountains 6459
Cut Cornfield P1340549-51 Farmscape P1030161-3 Autumn Cross Road DSCN16783 Ornamental Gardens Path DSCF17403-5
Clouded Sun DSCN20989-94 Sunrays Over The Canal DSCN34092 Foggy Autumn Back Road P1130219 Autumn Tamaracks DSCN00272-4
Snowscape 32594 Apple Trees & Fence P1050233-5 Field Of Snowy Christmas Trees P1280779-81 Winter Cabin P1050678-80
Snowscape 43371 Cape Spear Light In Fog DSCN4892 Winter Landscape 20141223 Autumn Tree DSCN32582-4
Late Autumn Trail DSCN39706 (Sketch) Mountain In The Clouds 17632 Moon Over Departing Storm Clouds DSCN19453-5 Autumn Skyscape DSCN147966
Autumn Back Road DSCN15955 Imperial Sand Dunes 26532 Tree & Ground Fog DSCN15275BW Fog-filled Yosemite Valley 22831
Snowscape P1390045-51 Duck Island Autumn Trees DSCN03273 Six Bales Under Threatening Sky DSCN35008-10 Fog Lifting Over Canyon Lake 82026
Autumn Back Road P1000979 Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery 23872 Autumnscape P1140446-8 Autumn Back Road P1200254-6
Autumn Back Road P1140539-41 Frosted Landscape P1050060-2 Field Clearing P1030843 Bales In Ground Fog P1320758-60
Field Of Bales P1060309-11 Autumnscape P1140464-8 Farm Wagon & Wind Turbines P1010151 Buried Stone Arch Dam In Snowfall P1510461
Desert Storm 25829 Autumn Cenotaph DSCN03458 Lower Reach Park Scene DSCN18880-2 Lone Autumn Tree P1000472
Garden Bench DSCN25347-9 Sedona 29206 Bales In A Field P1150794-6 Birches DSCN07342 'B&W'
The 6:22 Approaching In Ground Fog P1180966-74 Interesting Sky P1050103-9 Wintry Victoria Park DSCN01561 Trees In Fog DSCN19267
Towers & Bales P1120615-7 Autumnscape P1000970-2 Snowscape P1240734-9 Shelter Amidst Heavy Frost DSCN08012
Joshua Tree Rocks 25873 Big Red Shed DSCN29785-7 Snowy Cattails & Trees DSCN04203-5 Snowy Bale & Split Rail Fence DSCN42341
Winterscape P1060365-7 Autumn Bushes 20141020 Country Lane 20140902 Interesting Sky P1070711-3
Autumnscape P1140314-6 Bales In Pseudo-IR Landscape DSCN65231 Autumn Tracks P1010359 Red Barn Winterscape P1050684-6
Autumn In Summer  P1100019-21 Sedona 29310A Bales In Snowfall P1050723-5 Autumn Backroad P1000232-4
Autumn Back Road P1010219 Jack Pine Trail In Winter DSCN03663-5 'Art' Cabot Tower On Signal Hill DSCN14376-8 Sedona 29310B
Autumn Back Road P1010592 Two Winter Trees Beyond A Snowy Hill DSCN49041 Autumn Backroad P1000601-3 Daybreak Snowscape 20140203
Stand Of Pines DSCF00935 Centennial Park 'Ice Rink' P1080118-24 Autumn Snow P1020569 Patch Of Ground Fog P1310185
Winterscape DSCN18386 Spring Landscape DSCN21001 Snow-Plastered Trees & Fence DSCN10053 Autumnscape P1010373
Autumn Trees P1140437-42 Autumn Landscape DSCF4942 Autumn Trees P1210206-8 Autumn Tamaracks DSCN17097
Fence & Drifts P1060547-9 Autumnscape DSCN16380 Yosemite Fog 22845 Autumn Back Road DSCN03050-2
Autumn Colors In Summer 44826 Mud Lake Woods DSCN23990-2 Autumnscape P1200186 Interesting Sky P1140262
Autumn Farmscape P1470519-25 Clouds In Big Bend 6813 Hilly Backroad DSCN13997 Birches DSCN43790
Geese Flying Above Autumn Color DSCN36896-8 Autumnscape P1140461-3 Tapped Trees DSCN19568-70 Winter Wonderland P1520006
Yosemite Valley 22919BW Sedona 29310 Autumn Horse Fences P1010478-80 Roadside Autumn Trees P1140275-7
Autumnscape P1000562-4 Snowy Split-rail Fence P1040080 Autumn Bend In The Road P1200441-3 Autumnscape DSCN15998
Early Autumn Trees In Fog P1250876-8 Winter Farmscape DSCN44303 Spring Snow P1100035 Autumn Morning Walk DSCN04118
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