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Gordon W | all galleries >> Photos by Subject >> Flowers Gallery > Orange Desert Wildflower 86368
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Orange Desert Wildflower 86368

Globe Mallow (I think)

Looks like a miniature orange poppy.

Photographed in the Sonoran Desert west of Tucson, Arizona USA.

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM
With Canon 500D Closeup Lens

1/800s f/5.6 at 300.0mm iso100 hide exif

Full EXIF Info
Date/Time08-Mar-2008 18:14:29
ModelCanon EOS 20D
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length300 mm
Exposure Time1/800 sec
ISO Equivalent100
Exposure Bias-0.67
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programaperture priority (3)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 09-Mar-2008 01:56
Très belle prise , un travail bien fait .Bravo
Sylvie C09-Mar-2008 00:38
Very pretty. Very good dof.
Patricia Lay-Dorsey09-Mar-2008 00:09
Perfectly beautiful DoF. I can't wait till I see wildflowers again!