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Gordon W | all galleries >> Photo Odyssey Galleries >> Sonoran Desert Gallery - Mesa Region >> Superstition Mountain > Superstitions Sunrise 20071228
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Superstitions Sunrise 20071228

Superstition Mountains

Photographed from north of Mesa, Arizona USA.

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM
1/125s f/6.3 at 140.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Lawrence Solum20-Mar-2010 12:41
Marvelous--reminds me of Plein Air.
Franco Pacelli18-Mar-2010 15:01
Great shot and great mood !
rocky18-Feb-2010 18:55
What a treasure! =V=
Ashley Hockenberry19-Nov-2009 22:10
Guest 27-Jul-2009 20:55
absolutely brilliant!!
James O. Harle17-Apr-2009 00:59
MarcWildPassion10-Apr-2009 17:57
welcome to south west ! Great
Guest 16-Sep-2008 01:47
beautiful Image, well done
Guest 03-May-2008 23:26
We've been there - but this is Great! Our V :)
Guest 03-Apr-2008 13:15
Wow this is very artistic! Unique colors!
Guest 21-Jan-2008 00:13
Great composition and color, my favorite so far. J. R. Hudson, Scenic Edge Photography
Sandi Whitteker17-Jan-2008 01:18
Beautiful shot Gordon. Super light and layers.
Guest 12-Jan-2008 21:23
Just perfect!! Beautiful work!
Guest 08-Jan-2008 02:26
Great shot! I camped there in the 1970's
Guest 06-Jan-2008 11:58
As always, your lamdscapes leaves me green with a disire to be there and enjoy them in the flesh! V
Jay Levin30-Dec-2007 03:59
Outstanding perfectly composed image with the amazing sky, the mountain silhouettes, and the cactus foreground. Vote!!
Peter Sussex29-Dec-2007 22:23
Unbelievable tones and colours. The whole image is so cute!
Carol Rollins29-Dec-2007 17:05
Wow! Vote!
Guest 28-Dec-2007 21:11
beautiful colours, love the cactus in front.
Pat Hemlepp28-Dec-2007 19:40
Beautiful image, Gordon.
Bill Paige28-Dec-2007 17:57
Awesome shot.
monil28-Dec-2007 16:10
fantastics. v
joanteno28-Dec-2007 15:43