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Gordon W | all galleries >> Photos by Subject >> Birds Gallery >> Birds by Location >> Birds of the US Southwest >> Other Birds of the US Southwest > Pheasant 20071117
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Pheasant 20071117

As I understand it, this is a White-winged Pheasant.

Photographed in the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge near San Antonio, New Mexico USA.

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM
1/100s f/8.0 at 300.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Adeline20-Feb-2011 20:35
What a beauty- I'm envious. GBV
Ashley Hockenberry26-Nov-2007 14:45
Great catch
Bill & Carolyn Hilton19-Nov-2007 13:47
Gordon, they have ring-necked pheasants and also another introduced species, I think called Pakistan white-winged pheasants. These interbreed freely so you see all kinds of combinations of white neck rings and whiter wing feathers. We are putting up a few Bosque pics that will include a pheasant with more of a white-ring but few are pure bred at Bosque. Bill
Guest 18-Nov-2007 02:08
Gotta be a RN pheasant. Spectacular photograph! V
Guest 18-Nov-2007 00:18
wow Gordon, this is fantantic - despite the busy backgound, the bird really is detached from it and it simply adds to the overall nature value of the image - great color combinations
coaster17-Nov-2007 22:30
Great shot!
monil17-Nov-2007 20:27
A very good shot.
joanteno17-Nov-2007 17:55
Spectacular colors and lights..