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Gordon W | all galleries >> My Best Shots >> Best of the Photo Odyssey > Monarch Butterfly 20070906
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Monarch Butterfly 20070906

Photographed near Lindsay, Ontario Canada.

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM
1/250s f/5.6 at 300.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 02-Oct-2012 23:14
Superb capture with amazing detail
Maja Waiss07-Nov-2010 18:39
Beatiful!! V
Ashley Hockenberry19-Oct-2010 12:57
Milan Vogrin01-Sep-2009 11:33
Great colours and compo!V!
Karen Moen30-Jan-2009 10:26
Beautifully captured color and detail. I just watched a PBS movie about the monarch and how it will travel all the way to Mexico. Then they start back across the Texas border where they lay eggs and die. Then those eggs hatch and continue the journey toward Canada. They get to the middle US, lay eggs and die. Then those eggs hatch and make the final journey into Canada. It takes four generations to return and only one generation to return to Mexico. They are amazing! Voted.
Michele Lee07-Sep-2008 13:27
Incredible lighting and gorgeous capture of a Monarch! GMV!
Kaj Albrechtsen27-Oct-2007 11:02
Nice shot.
Lynne 24-Oct-2007 12:59
Unbelievable to be able to capture a real image w/your camera, that looks like a creation/blend of all the right elements.Exquisite background!
Graham Tomlin02-Oct-2007 19:28
wonderful regards Helen
Yves Rubin02-Oct-2007 15:14
Superb shot!
Bidyottam 27-Sep-2007 22:08
excellent!!!!!!! great capture.
Luc Meynaerts17-Sep-2007 13:36
Superb shot, well done!
Sandi Whitteker16-Sep-2007 13:31
Pretty shot with excellent color and exposure.
Gil Azouri09-Sep-2007 22:18
Beautiful capture!
QUERIDO07-Sep-2007 06:42
Beautiful shot,vote
Guest 07-Sep-2007 00:58
Spot on! V
Marwan Habib06-Sep-2007 21:48
Nice colors and sharp image. Well done.
b-w studio06-Sep-2007 17:33
Just beautiful.
Guest 06-Sep-2007 16:07
Very very nice shot Gordon
Bryan Murahashi06-Sep-2007 15:08
Beautiful light and colors. V
Guest 06-Sep-2007 15:07
Beautiful lighting! v.
Susan T06-Sep-2007 15:04
Just beautiful, great colors!