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Gordon W | all galleries >> My Best Shots >> Most Viewed Photos > Fizzled 20070813
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Fizzled 20070813

When a potentially good sunrise or sunset is ruined by clouds moving in and obscuring the sun,
I think of it as having 'fizzled', as was the case here.

Photographed near Lindsay, Ontario Canada.

other sizes: small medium original auto
regi olbrechts10-Sep-2007 12:50
Love the red strip ! ;-))
Sandi Whitteker24-Aug-2007 16:41
Wonderful time of night. Nice light and mood! V
Guest 14-Aug-2007 11:09
Fizzled is good in this case. V
tomandlinda13-Aug-2007 21:04
Very nice
Bill Paige13-Aug-2007 20:02
Great shot, same here in Oklahoma
akleja13-Aug-2007 18:25
Renee Lockett13-Aug-2007 17:13
Striking landscape and colors. So beautiful!
Silvia Roitman13-Aug-2007 16:05
very very nice!great colours!
Guest 13-Aug-2007 14:47
Oh, I think it's wonderful! So different from MOST sunsets.
Guest 13-Aug-2007 14:45
wonderful light.
Bill Warren13-Aug-2007 14:04
I don't know why but this image evokes a playful feel for me. i think it is the overload of the pink sky band. It is more or a logo-fied landscape. Well done.
Marisa Livet13-Aug-2007 13:54
But there is something magic in your "ruined" sunset, Gordon!