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Gordon W | all galleries >> Photos by Subject >> Transportation Gallery >> By Water > Docked Boat at Dawn 20050620
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Docked Boat at Dawn 20050620

Photographed by the Scugog River near Lindsay, Ontario Canada.

Canon EOS 20D , with 17-85mm IS 4-5.6 kit lens
1/125s f/9.0 at 24.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 26-Apr-2008 00:33
MAgic shot Gordon. Beautiful.
Peter Sussex02-Feb-2008 23:04
Stunning reflection, perspective and colors. Wish it was mine :))
Claude Martin27-Jan-2008 20:57
Nice color palette from blue to orange... i like also the thin fog floating on the surface of the water. V
Guest 09-Sep-2007 21:49
Very nice compstion. V
Apostolos Tikopoulos01-Sep-2007 18:20
Great capture. Wonderful colors and composition. V.
Guest 02-Aug-2006 21:56
Your photos make me want to wake up at dawn...beautiful.
Guest 19-Sep-2005 02:19
Very Nice !!
Guest 21-Jul-2005 11:52
Gordon, I love this one in every way. The composition works well, almost as two images butted together down the middle, each half great in its own right. The colour/light gradient from front and right to back left is just right in the image as a whole and in the left in particular. The right side with its reflection is pleasing, as is the compositio of the boardwalk at the left. Put the two halves together and the result is stronger than a simple addition of the two halves.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography01-Jul-2005 15:25
Marvelous image, I like this photo.
Jeff Horner27-Jun-2005 17:58
This is truly beautimous. The subtle shift from red-to-blue as you move across the image is sublime. Excellent.
Guest 21-Jun-2005 03:49
nice and sharp..
love the various colours you have here.
joanteno20-Jun-2005 21:49
Beautiful sunrise with nice reflection of the boat. Voted!
Guest 20-Jun-2005 19:41
tomsview20-Jun-2005 17:48
Really excellent work
Antonis Sarantos20-Jun-2005 16:57
So tranquil.
Guest 20-Jun-2005 15:12
Looks so peaceful! Great image with wonderful tones and colors.
Guest 20-Jun-2005 14:57
Great serenity! Wonderful sunset too
Marcio Cabral20-Jun-2005 13:52
Very beautiful colors and comp.
Guest 20-Jun-2005 13:45
Such a sense of peace and calm. Love the morning sunlight, reflections and mist. Beautiful photo.
Guest 20-Jun-2005 13:43
love everything in thsi image...light/subject matter/composition/reflection/mood.
Guest 20-Jun-2005 13:40
feels like a dream... lovely colours, mist and reflection..