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Gordon W | all galleries >> Photos by Subject >> Cityscapes Gallery >> Smiths Falls, Ontario Gallery > Union Jack 20130724
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24-Jul-2013 Gordon L Wolford

Union Jack 20130724

In honor of the new heir to the British throne, born 22 July

George Alexander Louis, His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge

For those outside Canada who might not grasp the relationship between Canada and Britain,
while Canada is technically independent with its own parliament and elected prime minister
as its head of government, the monarch of Britain is also the monarch of Canada and its
head of state, so there are close ties between Britain's royal family and Canada.

Photographed at Veterans' Memorial Park in Smiths Falls, Ontario, Canada.

FujiFilm FinePix HS50EXR
1/1500s f/5.6 at 18.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
mart senior29-Jul-2013 21:45
great pic and lovely words for the new prince...v
Mary Bowles27-Jul-2013 22:00
A nice salute to little George.
Colin Dixon CPAGB24-Jul-2013 15:24
Thank you from all of us.