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Gordon L Wolford

The Dickinson House 20130106

The Dickinson House in Manotick was built in 1863 by Moss Kent Dickinson.
It was one of the earliest houses in Manotick and served the community over
time as more than a family residence. It was at various times a general store,
a post office, a telegraph office, a meeting place for local organizations, and
it is believed as a campaign headquarters for Sir John A. MacDonald (the first
prime minister of Canada) when he ran in the Carleton riding in the 1887 election.

Photographed at Manotick, Ontario, Canada.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Bill Miller06-Jan-2013 19:10
Wonderful house. It is so good these buildings are preserved.
Guest 06-Jan-2013 14:30
This home has been so perfectly maintained over time. You capture it beautifully. I really enjoyed my time in Manotick early this summer.