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Gordon W | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Best Shots > Gazebo In Night Fog 20110921
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21-Sep-2011 Gordon L Wolford

Gazebo In Night Fog 20110921

At the Heritage House Museum

Photographed in Smiths Falls, Ontario, Canada.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 14-Oct-2011 13:32
Yes, good composition and very moody. Good one.
Guest 21-Sep-2011 23:51
beautiful shot...V
J Ponces21-Sep-2011 19:05
Fabulous, like a dream! V
CJ Morgan21-Sep-2011 17:53
Ah geez, beautiful.
Mary Bowles21-Sep-2011 17:38
The Season of Mists ...
This is a haunting image with perfect framing and lighting and the deepening shadows cast by the gazebo make it memorable.
Sorry if I embarrass you, but this is just Great Work.
Guest 21-Sep-2011 15:06
I really like the mood you have captured in this superb image...V
I seldom vote for images any more, but this deserves a vote...
lisamidi21-Sep-2011 12:58
Wonderful dreamy mood, superbe shot! bv
Guest 21-Sep-2011 12:42
I love this! The gently hanging foliage really sets everything off perfectly. V.