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Gordon W | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Best Shots > Misty Rideau Canal Sunrise 20110905
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Gordon L Wolford

Misty Rideau Canal Sunrise 20110905

Along the Rideau Canal Waterway

Photographed near Smiths Falls, Ontario, Canada.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Bryan Ramsay06-Sep-2011 02:21
Awesome, love the soft 3D effect! -BJ
Victoria05-Sep-2011 20:23
Excellent mist with gorgeous golden colours
Guest 05-Sep-2011 18:58
What a stunning image of this beautiful sunrise!
Clarence King05-Sep-2011 17:44
Great misty morning sunrise. v
CJ Morgan05-Sep-2011 17:13
Wow, you make great pictures ... you must have a good camera.
Guest 05-Sep-2011 15:33
Excellent use of layers in creating depth. Very nice.
Mary Hamilton05-Sep-2011 14:11
Love this photo! I've been staring at it for a few minutes,
so I guess I should vote :)
Guest 05-Sep-2011 12:43
Beautiful atmosphere.