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Gordon W | all galleries >> Photos by Location >> Canada Galleries >> Ontario >> Canadian Shield Gallery > Curious Moose 02925 (crop)
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Curious Moose 02925 (crop)

The few moose I've seen were pretty shy and trotted off at the first sight of me, as this guy did at first.
But then he stopped and looked back at my wife and me and kept that distance for quite a while,
seemingly curious about us...or maybe it was our cameras that held his interest. :-)

Photographed on the north shore of Lake Superior near Marathon, Ontario, Canada.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Jean23-Jul-2009 20:08
That is one great shot - such a comical quizzical look!
Karen Moen16-Jul-2009 12:04
Great shot. The Jimmy Durante of the animal world! Voted. I see you are using the 18-200 lens. I have the Nikon version and I really like the versatility of that lens.