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Everything Else Gallery

An eclectic mix of photos that don't fit within the other categories.

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Two Timing Clock Tower 20100306 Castle Glen Dining Room (14207-8) Houseplant 20100213 'teastore' (13448)
Courtyard Entrance 13424-5 Snow Shadows 20100129 Foyer Lamp 20100121 Autumn Amid Winter 20100118
Snow-Covered Bales 12547 Snow-Covered Toys 20100105 Snow-Covered Steps 12451 Icicles 12444
Some Like It Cold 20091226 Pine Row Mailboxes 11861 Snowy Picnic Table 11850BW Snowy Picnic Table 11850
Snow-Topped Pine Grove 11741 Snowy Old Fence 11565 Old Barn Window 20091204 Dead Tree Trunk 11030
Parliament Front Door 10942-4 Pine Canopy 10108-10 Central Post Office Sentinel 20091029 Autumn Ground Cover 20091009
Balls On A Bench 20090918 Grist Mill Belt Drive 06609-11 Washbasin 06461-6 Kerosene Lamp 06452
19th Century Hotel Room 06424 19th Century Hotel Doorway 06422-3 Wet Lily Pad 20090818 Red Gate 05564
A Campsite In First Light 05451 Tent Tops 20090821 Alone In A Deep Dark Forest Of Pines 20090808 Below Decks 04675
19th Century Bedchamber 20090805 19th Century Bedchamber 04572-3 Still Life 04565-6 19th Century Interior 04560
Candlestick & Quills 04538 19th Century Interior 04532-3 Orillia Wharf Light 20090731 Ferris Wheel 04339
Cow Skull 20090801 Morning Orange Juice 04007 Happy Face 03847 Flower Bed 03639
'DIVING NO!!!' 03547 Red Window 03534 Canoe Skeleton 03395 The 'Big Nickel' 03318
Birch Grove 03290 Front Door 2997-8 'GENERAL' Antlers 02294 7-Cent Coca-Cola 02289
Wawa Goose 01598 Two Chairs On A Beach 49741 Four Birches 49550 Church Window 20090605
Attic Room 00193-4 Stairwell 00181 Forest Ferns 48917 Felled Tree 48762
Old Cattails 200505 Lone Pine 20090419 Lone Cypress & Reflection 47199 White Knob Red Door 46607-9
Straw Broom 20090331 Straw Broom 46537 (crop) Maison Olivier Bedchamber 46493-5 Maison Olivier Dining Room 46486-7
Lake Martin 46412 Evangeline Oak 45647-52 Evangeline Oak 20090318 Fannin Memorial Monument 44073
Shadow Tree 20090301 Presidio La Bahia 43785 Chapel Candles 43728-31 B&W Chapel Candles 43728-31 Sepia
Chapel Candles 20090227 Mission Espiritu Santo 20090226 Footprint In Sand 20090222 Beachcombing 20090218
Blowing In The Wind 20090215 Dry Grass 41103 Polish Gull 20090209 'The Big Tree' 20090206
Shellfish Sta 20090124 Peeling Starboard Daymark 37355 Piling & Rope 20090119 Texas Moai 36736
The Moon 34955 (crop) Fountain Pepsi Sold Here 33869 Lawyer's Sign 33868 Mission Ceiling 33844-5
Mission Window 33815 Mission Room 33799-801 Pilings & Grass 30797 Window In Blue Wall 30542
Theater Sign 30296 Red White  Blue Wall 30269 Old Mural Sign 30261 Wetlands 29804
Dead Tread 28489 Lone Cypress 26802 Cypresses & Spanish Moss 26737 Red Doors 26373
Fronds 26310 Cypress Base 25105 Backlit Autumn Trees 24548 Nashville Parthenon Detail 24464
Pine Cone & Needles 20081102 Renegade Sumac Leaf 20081025 Autumn Sumac Leaves 20081022 Frosty Leaf 23194
Autumn Cattail 20081017 Old Fence 20080913 Old Fence 22470 Floating Fall Maple Leaves 21664
Spotted Yellow Mushrooms 20080928 Red White & Black 20245 Flowers In A Cocked Window 18992 Lily Pads At Dawn 20080818
Boathouse Chair 20080817 Victoria Island 16400 Merrickville-Wolford 16208 The Goose & Gridiron 16237
Red Phone Booth 20080710 On The Alexandra Bridge 16072 Museum Banners 16062 Overflow Tent 20080612
Dandelion Beside A Tree 13635 Window In Watson's Mill 89382-4 Window In Watson's Mill 20080516 Twist 1.5 Closeup 88305
Pine Needles 20080502 Domes & Crosses 20080422 Saguaro 87265 King Canyon Petroglyph 86296
Cactus Against An Interesting Sky 20080301 Ruins Pottery 20080221 Balanced Rock Sculpture 83117 Organ Pipe Cactus At Sunrise 82799
Backlit Organ Pipe Cactus 82767 'Air Mail' 82676 Feathers On An Organ Pipe Cactus 82614 Town Saguaro 82385
Iron Horse 20080206 Flowerpot 82356 10 Easy Street 82341 A Bevy of Barrels 20080201
Desert Bird Feeder 80725 Male Saguaro 80491 Female Saguaro 80489 Columns of Saguaro 80479
'i' 20080119 Goldfield Water Tank 80388 Tortilla Flat Sign 20080114 Saguaro Symmetry 80109
Elephant Saguaro 79825 Cactus Spines 78398 Saguaro Cactus 78337 Moon Over Cactus 78276
Barrel Cactus Crown 20071213 Saguaro Cactus 76415 Tucson Window 76154 Saguaro Cactus 75938
Sun & Saguaro Cactus 75616 Saguaro Cactus 75573 Saguaro Cactus 75567 Saguaro Cactus 75564
Three Amigos 75019 'Old Flattop' 20071125 VLA & Cattle 73626 VLA Antenna 73615
White Against Red 73071 Blacksmith's Fire 20071116 Prickly Pear Cactus & Fruit 72991 Small Courtyard 72436
Old Gas Pump 72431 Shuttered Window 72224 Mount Rushmore Brick Mural 70770 Gateway Arch 70762
Gateway Arch Tram Interior 70735 Moon Beyond Gateway Arch 70630 Door & Barrel 70242 Barrel & Door 20071025
Officers' Quarters Mantle 70223 Dock Chair 20071022 Grass & Lamp 69698 The Passing Of Man 69673
Shaggy Ink Cap Mushroom 68931 Seagulls Circling A Rainbow 67810 Lily Pads After A Rain 67533 Floating Apple 20070926
Log Chute 67446 Hot Air Balloon 67300 Empty Horse Stalls 66969 Climbing The Rocket Slide 66915
Carnival Ride 66899 Becalmed Swimming Raft 66599 Pail Among Lily Pads 20070905 Bench Beneath Tree 20070827
Waiting 65504 Skewed Door 65409 Cattail 65407 Drippy Graffiti 60443
Shot of a Shoot 60164 Greene Streetlights 9001 Sunny Streetlight 20070420 Leatherlips Sculpture 59279
Cabbage Palm Frond 57815 Morning Orange Juice 51809 Trash Cans 50739 Trash Can 50736
Peeling Paint 49186 Selena 48984 Three Palms 47239 Purple Door 20061215
Seashell 46025 Seashell 45702 Driftwood 45495 Mission San Juan 20061118
Little Yellow Over Big Red 20061017 Wet Red Berries 20061012 Ile d'Orleans 20061011 No Animals Inside 20060916
Dock Chairs 20060909 Shopping Carts 20060824 Swimming Raft 20060818 Sign of the Times
Upper Canada Village 20060704 An Appreciation of Clouds 20060627 Science Museum Exhibit1 Walkthru Digital Network1
Café Ionized Sphere 20060620 Earth from 'Space' Before the Convocation 20060610
Green Handle 20060522 Art Exhibit2 Pueblo-style Bench Tiles & Railing
Open Door 20060317 Mission Window Tombstone Doorhandle 20060311 Tombstone 31036
Old Tucson Saloon 30425 Tlaquepaque Stairs 29842 Tlaquepaque Vase 29830 Sedona Sculpture 20060226
The Haunted Hamburger 29481 Saguaro in the Sun2 Have a Seat... 20060208 Really Complex Saguaro
Weathered Wood 20060121 Saguaro1 Skull & Blanket 20060119 Pyramid Skylights 26492
Tile Stairs & Iron Railing 20060111 Joshua Tree 25857 Joshua Tree 24704 Giant Sequoia 22819-20
Giant Sequoia 22816-7 Redwood Sunrays 20051127 Coast Redwoods 20051125 Blacksmith Shop Crop2
White Rock Sculpture Wooden Mermaid's Head 20051025 Bubble 20051023 Faux Lighthouse 20051016
Shaggy Ink Cap Mushrooms 20051012 Shed Window Full Moon & Grain Elevator At Sunrise 16998 Totem Near Kenora
Boardwalk Leaf The Dregs Cottage Window2 Clouds Over 'Time'
Red Wall, Green Trim 20050805 White Chair & Green Door Skylit Doors 20050730 Red Light 20050721
Stand of Trees 20050719 Racks Under Umbrellas 13982 Georgian Bay Tree 13506 Stand of Birch 12613
Flying Kite 12595 Red Porch Chairs Kent Street Flags 20050621 Poolside
Thank You 20050604 Morning Shadows 20050602 Louise Bourgeois's 'Maman' 20050521 Barn Windows 20050510
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