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Bridges Gallery

Where would we be without bridges?
Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge
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Beckwith Street Bridge
<< Beckwith Street Bridge >>
Duck Island Footbridge
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Turtle Island Footbridge
<< Turtle Island Footbridge >>
Confederation Bridge
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Copano Bay Bridge In Twilight 52033 Sharon Woods Bridge Bridge Over Nothing - colorized
Golden Gate at Night 20051210 San Francisco at Night Thousand Islands Bridge At Twilight 20111031 Pecos River Flume at Sunset2
'The High Road' 55516 Wakefield Covered Bridge 12417 Golden Gate Bridge at Twilight 20051204 Copano Bay Bridge 51207
'The High Road' 20070227 Golden Gate Bridge at Twilight2 Corktown Footbridge 11994-5 Rideau Ferry Bridge At Sunrise 24288-91
Morning Commute 20141027 Golden Gate at Twilight Moon Over the Pecos River Flume Corktown Footbridge 20091220
Pecos River Flume at Sunset1 Ogdensburg-Prescott International Bridge At Night DSCF20761-3 Natchez Trace Parkway Bridge 20081105 Pecos River Flume at Sunset4
Golden Gate Bridge1 Golden Gate Bridge2 Wakefield Covered Bridge 20100101 Meech Creek Covered Bridge 12935
San Francisco Skyline at Twilight Railway Bridge In Frosty Sunrise DSCN09156-61 Wakefield Covered Bridge Interior 12403 Tennessee River Bridge 24890
Iron Bridge 01229 Pecos River Flume Underside Rideau Ferry Bridge At Dawn P1130795 Breaux Bridge Louisiana 26339
Wakefield Covered Bridge 12399 Alexandra Bridge 14624 Pecos River Flume at Sunset3 Pakenham 5-Arched Bridge DSCF00997
Harbor Bridge 42673 Pakenham 5-Arched Bridge DSCF01002 Confederation Bridge 20120908 Pakenham 5-Arched Bridge DSCF00999
Natchez Trace Parkway Bridge 24553 Alexandra Bridge (13635) Frog's Eye View 20120410 On The Blakeney Rapids Trail DSCN02556
Pakenham 5-Arched Bridge 12453 The Sunday 9:48 To Toronto 20150308 Alexandra Bridge 13642 Under The Wellington Street Bridge 14619
Pakenham 5-Arched Bridge 22398 Open Train Bridge 20120301 Foggy Sunrise At Roses Bridge DSCN05298-300 World's Longest Covered Bridge 27971
Confederation Bridge 26865 Kilmarnock Bridge In Foggy Sunrise P1060632-7 Rainbow Bridge 33616 Ghost Train P1080286.94
Turtle Island Footbridge At Sunrise P1500966-72 Confederation Bridge In Mist DSCN03539 Footbridge Over The Tay DSCN29203-5 May 2017 Flooding DSCN06966
Rainbow Bridge DSCF20502BW New Two Span Footbridge P1490185-9 Chambers Street Subway 20141209 Footbridge Over The Tay DSCN29203-5 B&W
Footbridge Over The Tay DSCN01582-4 Crumbling Stairs 20141004 Vimy Memorial Bridge 46095-7 The 6.22 Train To Toronto P1150231
Rideau Ferry Bridge At First Light 20150326 VIA Rail Canada 150 (P1200477) VIA Rail Canada 150 (P1180686) Kilmarnock Lock P1130384-6
Footbridge To Turtle Island In Snowfall P1510002-8 New Footbridge In Rising Mist DSCN07857 Water On The Bridge DSCN04918-20 Confederation Drive Bridge At Dawn P1030852-3
Flooded Footbridge P1190720 Footbridge In Morning Mist P1510597-03 Laurier Street Bridge At Dawn P1120004-6 Sunrise Sunrays Beyond Confederation Bridge DSCN47253-5
Two Span Footbridge In Freezing Mist DSCN08469 Footbridge To Turtle Island On A Snowy Night P1500602-8 Rainbow Bridge DSCF20502 Strandherd-Armstrong Bridge At Dawn 20140714
Sunrise Sunrays Beyond Footbridge DSCN48637-9 Misty Confederation Bridge P1460655-61 Snowy Railway Bridge Detail DSCN03414-6 Footbridge On A Frosty Misty Morning DSCN48600
New Two Span Footbridge P1490470-4 Confederation Bridge In Morning Mist 90D14857-61 VIA Rail Morning Passenger Train P1480696 Pakenham 5-Arched Bridge P1130745-7
Beckwith Street Bridge At First Light P1240399-401 First Icicles DSCN04494 Two Span Footbridge In Freezing Mist DSCN09235 Arboretum Bridge P1130047-9
Kilmarnock Swing Bridge P1140339-41 Strandherd-Armstrong Bridge At Dawn 44363 Footbridge In Sunrise Mist DSCN47214-6 Dusting Of Snow DSCN52651
Old Slys Swing Bridge P1120887-9 Strandherd-Armstrong Bridge At Dawn 44320.23 The Other Photographer DSCN20562 Abstract DSCN22847-9BW
New Footbridge In Snowstorm P1510758-64 Dawn Cloud 90D05844.8 Bridge Shadow In Mist DSCN73859-61 Beneath The Strandherd-Armstrong Bridge 44329-32
Sunrise Through Mist DSCN47231 Bridge Reflected P1140345 Strandherd-Armstrong Bridge From Below 44334-5 Footbridge Over The Tay DSCF9119-21
Sun Rising Beyond Mist & Footbridge 90D12201-5 Interesting Sky Over Lift Bridge DSCN71628 Railway Bridge In Mist P1130975-7 Train Bridge In Morning Fog P1560094-00
Golden Gate, Moon & Venus At Twilight 23139.49 Sun Rising Beyond Mist & Footbridge 90D12430-4 Railway Bridge P1140276-8 Bridge Reflected P1140345
Mist Beyond Turtle Island Footbridge At Dawn 90D13736-8 Footbridge On A Foggy Night 90D11726BW Misty Footbridge On A Cold Morning 90D14114-8 Footbridge In Misty Daybreak 90D13244-48
Sunrise Sunrays 90D13594-8 Footbridge In Morning Mist DSCN88652-4 Footbridge In Winter Mist 90D13527 Ogdensburg-Prescott International Bridge DSCN86116
Sun Rising Beyond Light Standard In Mist 90D13904-7 Turtle Island Footbridge After A Snowfall DSCN89333BW Sturgeon Moon Beyond Footbridge Over The Rideau Canal 90D31742-6 Kilmarnock Lock Swing Bridge In Fog 90D40603
Autumn Duck Island DSCN150386 McNeely Avenue Bridge DSCN161823 Lift Bridge In Morning Fog 90D128698 Kilmarnock Swing Bridge On A Foggy Morning 90D131373
Bridge Shadows In Mist DSCN014509