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Fake-A-Gamo Bag

This bag was made with a knitting pattern which was a replica of a Ferragamo bag. The original had a wicker top, and was a soft bag. My version is quite different, but the knitted pattern is the same. Finished 1-5-07.

Samsung Digimax 420
1/64s f/2.8 iso100 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Bag 18-Sep-2010 15:59
Hello! I am making this bag now and am stuck at the handle shaping part. I continued to follow the instructions and did the binding off 3 stitches and then continued till the end of row. Now, when I try to continue the pattern, I am unable to figure out how to continue as when I reach the area where 3 stitches were bound off.
Should I use two separate needles for the two parts for making the handle? I am not sure whether I am able to communicate my problem to you :(
Plz help me out in figuring out how to knit the handle shaping part.
Thank you so much.