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Juha-Pekka Kervinen | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Sara Yago 10-Oct-2010 18:40
Que sepas que es un placer dejarse llevar por tus fotografías, estoy disfrutando como una niña pequeña con un juguete nuevo. Espero que sigas dedicándole tanto tiempo y siendo tan paciente porque con el resultado merece la pena sin duda. Mi más sincera enhorabuena.
(Te escribo en español porque el inglés se me queda un poco corto jeje)
Sara (espero ver alguna foto del fin de semana en la cabaña!:)
Ken McColl29-Apr-2010 13:47
Ive just spent a wonderful half hour or so going through some of your galleries. Such a diverse range of subject matter and all of them beautifully realised. You have a terrific eye for detail and composition and I loved your portrait work. Congrats.
Guest 02-Aug-2009 18:35
Fabulous pictures. I was moved, really.
The world is beautiful as world itself.
Thanks for sharing.
Yves Rubin21-Mar-2009 15:49
You have such an amazing vision in your photography, Juha. I am blown away by so many of your images. Thank you for letting us discover it!

John Cravatta06-Aug-2008 20:38
I enjoyed viewing your skillfull and artistic work!
mohammed 30-Mar-2008 10:42
nice work
nina 28-Feb-2008 21:06
hola mi finlandes preferido! que tal todo. te escribo más, pronto. buenas fotos todavía!;-)
mahoma nina tomate de alemania
Brent Knudson 26-Feb-2008 21:28
JP you just keep getting more and more creative. You are really creating an impressive and well rounded portfolio
Bravo, mi amigo
Aud Elise Sjøsæther06-Jan-2008 10:26
I am glad I discovered your great work!
You have got THE EYE : ) Thanks.

best wishes
Aud Elise
olivier bruning03-Jan-2008 21:06
It has been a joy to discover your work! you have a wonderful artistic eye, your work really speaks to me! regards, Olivier
Guest 31-Dec-2007 11:02
You have an eye that makes me jealous! Thank you for sharing.
Guest 07-Jul-2007 14:36
Guest 14-Jun-2007 07:04
Thank you for posting your pictures. They're a great inspiration to me.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 13:11
In awe.
Lola y Sonia 13-Sep-2006 18:49
Hola Juha P, nos han encantado tus fotografías, sobretodo por los sentimientos que nos transmiten. Colores, momentos, composiciones y espontaneidad hacen que podamos estar horas viendo tus fotos. Estamos ansiosas por ver tus fotos del Camino de Santiago!!!!. UN besazo desde Murcia.
AK 06-Sep-2006 19:53
Hyviä kuvia, kuten aina! Sen chili kuvan kehystäisin mielelläni keittiön seinälle! Mutta hei, onko se lelu-lehmä ihan välttämätön? :)
Sini 20-Jul-2006 08:31
Yhä vaan odotan... Löytyikö mansikkatikkaria?
Sini 18-Jul-2006 18:28
Heippa! Tulin vaan kattomaan, että ootko jo saanut laitettua joitain kuvia pyhiinvaellukselta. Täytyy vaan vielä malttaa vähän odottaa. =)
Guest 30-Jun-2006 11:38
Thanks for the comment and I wanted to say that you are welcome. Its because your pictures are very attractive to me, so I took and will take the time to go through them. I really like your pictures.

Guest 28-Jun-2006 13:38
Love your pictures, but love your style more! After having a little trip of your galleries, I can see that you have your own unique style which I love.
Pictures always contain good composition and the composition always comes in a style of leaving a big area of space in the pictures, which also gives the viewers a lot of thinking space to wonder what are the messages these pictures are trying to give out.

Will come back and have a more details chect out of your pictures.

Guest 24-Jun-2006 16:05
excellent job! perfect pictures! alfredomvd
Pascal 12-May-2006 08:43
Superbe les photos du Maroc. Encore une fois, remarquable!A bientôt mon ami.
Guest 17-Apr-2006 21:32
Sorry, trey this one:
Merijn (Dutch guy, Essaouira) 17-Apr-2006 21:31
Hi Juha, great pics, when will you upload the pictures of Morocco?
You can check my photos at :
Guest 09-Apr-2006 15:14
I added you to my favorites! Great stuff in here - will need to visit again.
Guest 31-Mar-2006 14:56
Interesantes fotografías
Gracias por compartirlas
Saludos desde España
B Knudson 19-Dec-2005 06:01
JP you are an amazing and incredible photographer. I wish that I had your skills with a camera and the ladies. I hope that you keep adding to the collection, I really enjoyed looking through it.
F Rim03-Nov-2005 23:35
You have a wonderful set of very interesting galleries, I enjoyed my visit & will return.
Guest 09-Sep-2005 06:36
Hienosti on lähteny sällillä kuvailu käyntiin. Tykkäsin erityisesti noista Riikan ja Tallinnan kuvista. Sulla taitaa olla silmä tarkkana kuin porkkana noita candid-kuvia varten=) Jatkahan räpsäyttelyä! -L-
Guest 31-Aug-2005 18:55
Woo ha for JP