Message from John St John Photography

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My interest in photography started at an early age when I marveled at the spectacular black and white pictures that could be produced by a Kodak Brownie 616 box camera! As a young adult, my first film SLR was a Practika Nova B, followed by a superior Konia AutoReflex T, and then by an Olympus OM-2N, a near pro level camera. I also happily used an Olympus 35RC, a wonderful little rangefinder camera that I took along on many business trips. I always made sure that I would find some time for photography which always made the trip extra worthwhile.
Alas, however, the pressures of business and family life lessened the time available for photography and my interest waned temporarily. I did use an Olympus Stylus for family snapshots but my interest in photography as an avocation was put on hold.
Thankfully, in 2003, I received as a birthday gift a Nikon Coolpix 4300 digital camera and my interest in photography was reawakened big time as I discovered the wonders of the digital age in photography. Since then, in 2006, I moved to a Nikon D50 with 18-55 and 55-200 Nikkor lenses. I had such a great time with that camera that I now have a Nikon D300 and D800 with 70-300, 50/1.4, 105 micro, 24-120, 70-200, and 16-35 f4 Nikkor lenses. I also use a Nikon SB-600 Speedlight. I have a tripod with three way and ball heads and the usual assortment of gear (polarizers, split ND filters, ND filters, etc.). Software includes Adobe Lightroom 5, Photoshop CS6, Photomatix, Silver Efex Pro 2, Perfect Resize and Topaz Adjust.
My photographic interests include nature photography, landscapes, beachscapes, cityscapes and wildlife. Recently, being a New Yorker by birth, I've discovered the fun of street and event photography as I live so close to the City.
I love photography because it combines technology and art in one medium. It is so amazing to be able to capture, in a two-dimensional format, something that was four-dimensional in reality, that is, something that existed in space and was frozen in time, an occurrence that never was until then and will never be again.
I am a member of the Ridgewood Camera Club (, the Photographic Society of America, Street Photography, the Art of Intuitive Photography, NYC Photographers, and the Ridgewood Camera Club Meetup Group.