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Java, Moki, and Cino!

Java joined us on May 31, 2003. He is joy and a very sweet little guy.
Moki joined us on June 1, 2008. He is very determined little guy. bit equally sweet.
Both have this wonderful intuition to be very calm and laid back around older persons - in a nursing home or dying persons in an inpatient hospice. They have brought great joy to people, especially Java with his pink pig that always goes with him.
July 7 2012 - Cino (aka Cappucino joined us) she is a joy..
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pbase  Family Portrait Jun22183646.jpg
pbase Family Portrait Jun22183646.jpg
Moki the Black Lab
:: Moki the Black Lab ::
Snow dog Feb 20 2005.jpg
Snow dog Feb 20 2005.jpg
Java Puppy shots: The first year
:: Java Puppy shots: The first year ::
:: java_2005 ::
Java pictures from 2006
:: Java pictures from 2006 ::
Java Pictures in 2007
:: Java Pictures in 2007 ::
Java 2008 Pictures
:: Java 2008 Pictures ::
Beach Dog Project
:: Beach Dog Project ::
Java and his stuffed GUND pig
:: Java and his stuffed GUND pig ::
Remembering Mollie 1-24-2007
:: Remembering Mollie 1-24-2007 ::
:: Lucas ::
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