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5th November 2007 Copyright © Ian York 2007



Totally hacked off today.
I was asked by a local play group to take some shots of the kids.
All the parents had signed forms granting permission.

I turn up and started taking some shots when one on the kids fathers turns up to take his kid.
(It turns out that parents are divorced and he has the child some evenings)
He sees me taking pictures of his child, walks over snatches the camera from me and then swings the whole thing around and hits me with it....
Snapping off the flash as it caught me under the ribs, whilst hurling abusive language at me.

The organisers restrained him, and then suggested that he go away and calm down.
I asked for the police to be called, and was told by the play group that that would not be a good idea as they did not want to cause more trouble.

Well sod that I thought, I have been assaulted and have had equipment damaged so I called the police.
The police then told me as the farther was only protecting his child and I was not to badly hurt
it was a low priority, and I would do better taking a private persecution for the damaged equipment..

I am just dum struck. I have been assaulted had equipment broken, and the police don’t want to take it any further and the play group wont press charges either…

It would seem that photographers are becoming second class citizen…

One advantage of having a titanium camera is that it is quite robust (tell my ribs that)
This shot was taken a few mins ago and everything seems to be working OK.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Ann...05-Dec-2007 22:31
What a disturbing episode this must have been for you!! I'm glad that you and the camera are both ok!
Guest 05-Dec-2007 21:01
shocking story!..super image!
nordic05-Dec-2007 19:48
you have to be sooo careful I had a bunch of teenagers for a portrait session in the studio and one turned up without a consent form.... so no shoot. Just have to play it by the book....

sorry to hear about your experience Ian, I have been on a number of forums where similar things have happened to others and your right it's more common than ever, thankfully not to me yet... but that's probably only a matter of time....

I am even having to resort to the old fashioned method of proofing images ON PAPER because parents think their kids photo is going to be stolen and manipulated by a paedophile......
nordic05-Dec-2007 19:48
you have to be sooo careful I had a bunch of teenagers for a portrait session in the studio and one turned up without a consent form.... so no shoot. Just have to play it by the book....

sorry to hear about your experience Ian, I have been on a number of forums where similar things have happened to others and your right it's more common than ever, thankfully not to me yet... but that's probably only a matter of time....

I am even having to resort to the old fashioned method of proofing images ON PAPER because parents think their kids photo is going to be stolen and manipulated by a paedophile......
nordic05-Dec-2007 19:41
I'm glad I took out that insurance policy.......
Scott Browne05-Dec-2007 18:49
I'm speechless...and outraged. I can't believe the police would refuse to do their jobs. Infuriating.
Guest 05-Dec-2007 17:44
Oh my God, this is outrageous! I take it the father has not apologised or offered to pay for damaging your equipment? As a parent myself I am acutely conscious of the levels of paranoia around photographing children - I don't take my camera to school events to photograph my own kids just in case someone wrongly accuses me of taking photos of their children. But it's getting ridiculous when you are ATTACKED for doing something entirely legitimate and sanctioned by the Play Group. This world... sorry, I mean this COUNTRY... has officially gone stark raving mad.
J. Scott Coile05-Dec-2007 17:20
There is no way he should have been granted a "get off free" card in this situation. That kind of aggressive behavior in front of all of the children should be punished.

Glad all seems to be OK!