another long night... |
 "salt" |
 reminiscing... |
 reminiscing... |
 long night... |
 "in memory" |
 "in memory" |
 "in memory" |
 night life... |
 night life... |
 night life... |
 a "warm" x'mas night... |
 "a disappearing district, its last lights..." |
 "a disappearing district, its last lights..." |
 "snap this way" |
 "corridor" |
 "the sea of shoppers" |
 "the sea of shoppers" |
 "taxi" |
 this christmas... |
 x'mas 2013 |
 "the wait" |
 "the wait" |
 "shopping & shooting is fun" |
 "wrapped in joy" |
 santa claus is coming to town! |
 happy holidays!!! |
 on the way... |
 "escape" |
 "have a nice day" |
 "灣仔大樓" (wanchai house) |
 "beware of glass" |
 "it takes two" |
 "it takes two" |
 "it takes two" |
 just walk on... |
 "the climb" |
 "nightlife" |
 "nightlife" |
 "real friends" (ii) |
 "real friends" (i) |
 "prince" |
 "i got your back" (ii) |
 "i got your back" (i) |
 "joyce is not here" (ii) |
 "joyce is not here" (i) |
 "the disappearing wanchai..." |
 "no person under 16 or in school uniform is allowed" |
 "coming home..." |
 "夜色 colours of the night" |
 "directory" |
 "知粥嘗樂" (知足常樂 contentment) |
 "my way" |
 "forever..." |
 "scaffolding & the tram road" |
 "the pink building" |
 "pedder" |
 "?" |
 "take a seat" |
 the two of us... |
 "the capture" |
 香港早晨 "good morning hk" |
 "good morning hong kong" |
 "good morning hong kong" |
 "coming home" |
 "hi" |
 "entrance for residential only" |
 "stop!" |
 "世界電器行" (world electric company) |
 "世界電器行" (world electric company) |
 "?" |
 "professional, beautiful, fast..." |
 "ain't i attractive" |
 "夜色 colours of the night" |
 "father & son" |
 "sweetie" |
 "say cheese..." |
 "an unexpected helper" |
 "an unexpected helper" |
 均益大廈(Kwan Yick Building) |
 "disinfected 4 times a day" |
 "if you're tired..." |
 "taking a break" |
 "passing" |
 another long day... |
 another long day... |
 "summertime..." |
 "watching the world go by..." |
 watching the world go by... |
 "here it comes!" |
 "how much of human life is lost in waiting?" |
 "how much of human life is lost in waiting?" |
 "bonjour" |
 "smoke break" |
 remembrance |
 aberdeen street |
 sunday afternoon |
 summer day... |
 "相知多年 (good old friends)" |
 "nice shot..." |
 "the onlooker of the dark" |
 "the disappearing swatow..." |
 "i'm alone but happy" |
 night lights night life... |
 night lights night life... |
 night lights night life... |
 "very important customer" |
 "who to call?" |
 "summer sale" |
 莊士敦道 (電車路 the tram road) |
 "fruits or medicine" |
 "family night..." |
 "it takes two..." |
 "it takes two..." |
 "late news" |
 "night life" |
 "night life" |
 "night life" |
 "night life" |
 "another long night..." |
 another long night... |
 "gage" |
 "gage" |
 "prison break" |
 "prison break" |
 "i saw you" |
 "enjoying the long day" |
 another long day... |
 a long day... |
 another long day... |
 another long day... |
 another long day... |
 "another long night..." |
 "post no bill" |
 "the sun" |
 “低頭族” "the ritual" |
 me and the "ladder" |
 a disappearing street |
 "in" |
 "out" |
 coming home... |
 coming home... |
 "stairway to heaven" |
 "giving power..." |
 "dare to dream" |
 "are you ok?" |
 "i'm busy" |
 have a nice day! |
 another long day... |
 another long day... |
 "shooting her shooting me..." |
 "wellcome" "late night tram" |
 "late night tram" |
 "late night tram" |
 the tram road by night... |
 the tram road by night |
 the tram road and a corner building |
 the tram road by night... |
 heading home... |
 "instant seduction" |
 the tram road by night... |
 "you're popular!" |
 "pigeons" |
 "解毒降火" (keep smiling) |
 "this is a tram lane" |
 "this is a tram lane" |
 "night life" |
 "a store of yesterday" (喜珍醬園) |
 "a store of yesterday" (喜珍醬園) |
 "long hours" |
 "happy hour" |
 "slow down" |
 "澈解 enlightened" |
 "悟 澈 awakening" |
 "悟澈 awakened" |
 佛光... budda's halo |
 "donations" |
 "殿 the palace" |
 "音符景象更... new sound new vision" |
 man mo temple |
 man mo temple |
 "善 benevolence" |
 worship |
 be blessed... |
 be blessed... |
 be blessed... |
 man mo temple |
 be blessed... |
 '春回堂藥行 Good Spring Company Limited' |
 "a disappearing neighbourhood" |
 "a disappearing neighbourhood" |
 lost in the "triangle" |
 hk culture |
 the wait... |
 "i was spotted..." |
 "i was spotted!" |
 "max" |
 the wait... |
 "here i come!" |
 "where's the brave man?" |
 "solitude?" |
 "full of solitude" |
 the tram road solitude... |
 "... they don't just come and go!" |
 "real friends?" |
 "1911" |
 "no parking against prison wall" |
 "closed" |
 "down" |
 "no climbing" |
 "3" |
 an old street corner |
 "elegance is an attitude" |
 "to see: to be seen" |
 "to see: to be seen" |
 "to see: to be seen" |
 "to see: to be seen" |
 "to see: to be seen" |
 "你眼:望我眼" |
 albert ho and a reporter |
 ²©¿b... (hemorrhoid) |
 "onlooking" |
 "one country two systems..." |
 "we'll be watching everyday..." |
 "peace and order" |
 "120401" |
 "120401" |
 "120401" |
 "120401" |
 "morning faces" (on the bus) |
 "yellow flowers" (on the bus) |
 killing time... on the bus |
 "21:53" (on the bus) |
 "road show" |
 "bus stop" |
 "bus stop" |
 in the crowd... |
 in the crowd... |
 in the crowd... |
 dispute... |
 confrontation |
 conflict... 24 hr |
 "grilled" |
 "no joke! smoking is hazardous!" |
 "the ladder" |
 "the ladder" |
:: 120325 ::
 "bedspace for rent" |
 "wanchai road" |
 mood of the night... |
 "dai pai dong" |
 "dai pai dong" |
 "dai pai dong" |
 "night life" |
 "hi hi hi" |
 "cheers!" |
 "hello" |
 "father & daughter" |
 "father & daughter" |
 "father & daughter" |
 "step out" |
 110717 - cat street |
 110717 - cat street |
 "say cheese!" |
 happy shooting! |
 "give way" |
 "end ²×¤î" |
 "happy hour" |
 "happy hour" |
 va(lentino) and the wait... |
 "mood of shopping" |
 mood of shopping... |
 mood of shopping... |
 the disappearing... |
 "street life" |
 "appeal or bewilderedness" |
 "bewitched" |
 lee garden road |
 "allay cafe" |
 10:06 pm pak sha road |
 "my job is to sit and try to look nice" |
 "a cheerful passerby" |
 "my job is to sit..." |
 22:00 pm Pak Sha Road |
 "contemplation" |
 "i'm here babe" |
 "is she really a monster?" |
 king of the (concrete) jungle... and his new queen |
 "lost in time" |
 "diptych" |
 "mood of shopping" |
 "culture club" |
 "colours of the night" |
 "colours of the night" |
 "glorious fast food" |
 "climbing the ladder" |
 a disappeared face... |
 "the sunset" |
 "on the way home" |
 "walla-walla" |
 "low price shop" |
 "cheung kee copper & iron" |
 one last shoeshine stand... |
 one last shoeshine stand... |
 "feel good" |
 "feel good" |
 "leaving so soon?" |
 solitaire... |
 solitaire... |
 solitaire... |
 introspection... |
 solitaire... |
 saturday afternoon... |
 saturday afternoon... |
 "bonjour" |
 a disappearing neighbour... |
 "the disappearing" |
 "stone age" => "ipad age" |
 "no unauthorized entrance" |
 "clarion call" |
 "congrats!" |
 "cheers!" |
 "a major operation" |
 "a major operation" |
 "a major operation" |
 "friday night fever" |
 "my life has just begun..." |
 "my life has just begun..." |
 night wanderer... |
 "lunch (smoke) break" |
:: a village of yesterday - pokfulam village ::
 a store of yesterday... |
 a store of yesterday... |
 a store of yesterday... |
 a store of yesterday... |
 a store of yesterday... |
 a store of yesterday... |
 a store of yesterday... |
 66 years... |
 since 1955... |
 a store of yesterday... |
 a store of yesterday... |
 a store of yesterdays... |
 "end" |
 "end" |
 a store of yesterdays... |
 a store of yesterdays... |
 buddy-buddy-buddy |
 "thank you and how are you..." |
 joy to the world... |
 joy to the world... |
 "festival" |
 joy to the world... |
 the christmas tree... |
 the christmas tree... |
 last christmas... |
 "c'est moi" |
 c'est moi... c'est la vie |
 new town plaza |
 new town plaza |
 the atrium |
 awe... |
 "hey big spenders" |
 "family" |
 shoppers... |
 an intriguing and enchanting lift shaft |
 an intriguing and enchanting lift shaft |
 "she's mine!" |
 "when I was young..." |
 "when I was young..." |
 shopping is fun... |
 shopping is fun... |
 the tram stop and an old "phoenix" bicycle |
 "look left" "cross" and "crossing" |
 "look left" |
 "hey, look left..." |
 "look right" |
 "left" or "right" |
 spring garden lane |
 so the emperor is caged... |
 "have a good rest..." |
 "have a good rest..." |
 a downward spiral... |
 an encounter... |
 a rainy night... |
 "back in 15 minutes" |
 "really nice shoe..." |
 "when can i play..." |
 "loneliness" |
 "bonjour" |
 friday night "fever"?! |
 "no lying on benches" |
 2 photo enthusiasts & a curious spectator... |
 "?" |
 a store of yesterdays... |
 a store of yesterdays... |
 a store of yesterdays... |
 a store of yesterdays... |
 "working in the rain" |
 a store of yesterdays... |
 a graffito and a warning sign... |
 "i am lost in hong kong" |
 "i am lost in hong kong" |
 in a sea of crowds... |
 sea of crowd... |
 in a sea of crowds... |
 lonely night... |
 »·¤j¥Ø¼Ð |
 waiting for the green... |
 "bewitched?!" |
 the tram and the tram road... |
 social consciousness |
 courage, with or without hope... |
 courage, with or without hope |
 "content..." |
 "¦ò" (buddha) |
 courage, with or without hope |
 another hard day's night... |
 ¡©§Ú·R®e¯ª¨à¤½¥D¡ª |
 "double yellow line" |
 "who says it's difficult to catch a taxi..." |
 "& # @ % ! *..." |
 "fine?" "fine........." |
 "fine?" "fine........." |
 sunday... a day of the family |
 he saw what I saw... |
 2ifc and a little girl in red... |
 2ifc and a little girl in red... |
 2ifc and a little girl in red... |
 peace... |
 "reportage" |
 "dying for fame" |
 ¡©¤Ï¡ª |
 8 january 2010 |
 "beauty of the night" |
 laundry... |
 ?! |
 another black cat... |
 the onlooker & the photogenic street... |
 you'll never refuse... |
 the onlooker... |
 oops... i didn't mean to intrude |
 a tired cleaner... |
 brothers and the harbour... |
 bus stop, bus stop, bus stop... |
 your world and my world... |
 your life and my life... |
 "your world and my world..." |
 night life... |
 the flower shop and three girls... |
 the flower shop and a passerby... |
 a flower shop... |