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hugo poon | all galleries >> Galleries >> the solitude album > 靜 (silence)
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靜 (silence)

How nature moves in silence... a rare moment I had to 'remember'.

Repulse Bay, Hong Kong

PS. Click "original" for best viewing quality.

FujiFilm X-E1
1/250s f/5.0 at 35.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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CM Kwan08-May-2013 12:44
Wonderful capture. Love the mood you created, Hugo. V
godro06-May-2013 19:43
Nice composition!
Guest 06-May-2013 13:25
Excellent portrait Hugo. V
Tom LeRoy05-May-2013 17:08
Marvelous comp. That tree is really beautiful and so is the bay in the distance. V
Pieter Bos05-May-2013 14:09
Great compo, beautiful image! ~V