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hugo poon | all galleries >> Galleries >> my favourites since 2007 > "i'm coming for you..."
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"i'm coming for you..."

stanley bay, stanley, hong kong

PS. Click "original" for best viewing quality.

FujiFilm X-E1
1/2400s f/5.6 at 35.0mm iso200 full exif

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CM Kwan03-Mar-2013 01:35
This is a story-telling picture, Hugo. V
Robbie D7002-Mar-2013 08:35
This has great mood and composition.
Its like a still from a movie.
Makes me feel there is a story to be told.
Great work.
Guest 28-Feb-2013 15:17
I really like your composition here Hugo. The girl reading emphasizes the serene mood. V