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hugo poon | all galleries >> Galleries >> my favourites since 2007 > going home...
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going home...

Prince's Terrace, Hong Kong

FujiFilm FinePix X100
1/30s f/2.8 at 23.0mm iso2500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Mary Bowles22-Nov-2012 14:24
A nice, moody capture, and good to see your shadow on the steps.
Lovely tones.
Yiannis Pavlis31-Jan-2012 15:21
Excellent tones and mood..
CM Kwan29-Dec-2011 12:53
Love the mood you created, Hugo! Happy New Year! V
Guest 29-Dec-2011 06:39
Magnificent light! ~V
royalld29-Dec-2011 02:48
Alexander Kazakov28-Dec-2011 15:44
Great! V