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Hank Vander Velde | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Hank Vander Velde
Name Hank Vander Velde (joined 06-Apr-2006) (pbase supporter)
Username hankvv
Location Ottawa, Canada
Ottawa, Canada
View Galleries : Hank Vander Velde has 171 galleries and 10499 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 3107603 times.

View Guestbook : 31 messages. Most recent on 03-Aug-2021.

Message from Hank Vander Velde
Dear fellow Pbase members,

Please note that as of July 11, 2010, I've decided not to vote on images posted by others. In the past, I have voted on images that I considered to be good or exceptional w.r.t image quality and information provided; however, I have for some time not indicated my vote under "Comments".

My decision to stop voting and to request that others don't vote on my images results from discussions with other Pbase members. Also, I am not a qualified judge and I am skeptical about what I perceive to be a potentially self-serving or popularity method of obtaining votes.

I thoroughly enjoy the many terrific and varied posting on Pbase by my Pbase friends and/or acquaintances. I certainly intend to continue to view and comment on the postings in a fair and constructive manner and I ask that you do the same for my postings.


Hank Vander Velde
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