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Greg Bradley | all galleries >> Galleries >> greg_bradley_astrophotos > Horsehead HaLRGB 30 60 30 30 30
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Horsehead HaLRGB 30 60 30 30 30

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Gregg Thompson 23-Oct-2018 06:35
Hi Greg, do you have a contact email address?
BleuEvanescence26-Jan-2012 23:12
And those amazing colours are natural too?!!!
This is a fantastic shot!
I will look at your others now :)
christopheru20-Aug-2011 01:28
Wow. This is spectacular. V
Guest 15-Jul-2011 12:47
one of the best astro images I've seen on pbase!
René Gysi17-May-2010 07:48
Fantastic look! V
goelsamuel04-Mar-2010 15:06
Awesome shot!V!
Bartosz Kotulski04-Nov-2009 18:39
absolute amazing!!!love it
Giancarlo Guzzardi21-Sep-2009 09:36
Andre Fontaine06-Aug-2009 01:08
incroyablement executé très classe !
Anthony 01-Mar-2009 02:17
Makes me want to get a telescope NOW!!!!
RJvdLeij12-Feb-2009 12:05
Guest 04-Feb-2009 13:43
OMG! it feels like im in heaven! What a great image!
Charles Lasnier28-Jan-2009 08:31
Wow, this is outstanding focus, tracking, depth, color, and processing.
Brugge 27-Jan-2009 10:50
Super!!!!!!!big vote
Andre Fontaine19-Jan-2009 12:08
fantastic pose ! v
Barbara Heide15-Oct-2008 19:04
amazing capture! so beautiful! v
Bodee 08-Oct-2008 09:02
Look! This is absolutely amazing!. Above our head and usual sight. Thanks for your work.
Jean Chiasson07-Sep-2008 00:47
Marvelous image vote
Patricia Cannaerts27-Apr-2008 00:08
these is a fantastic shot from the horse head nebula !