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Greg Bradley | all galleries >> Galleries >> greg_bradley_astrophotos > Venus Transit with Jumbo Jet
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Venus Transit with Jumbo Jet

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Guest 20-Nov-2011 03:44
This is awe-inspiring !! Its what (astro)photogrpahy is all about for me - combining creativity with technical skill and capturing a one-in-a-million event. Superb. I would kill to capture a shot like this.
Guest 04-Aug-2011 11:53
Suberb image!
Guest 14-May-2011 02:07
OMG! Now that's what I call being in the right place at the right time! Nice work!
jcayer01-May-2011 10:25
An almost impossible shot. Outstanding !!! -V-
Keith O'Brien21-May-2010 12:08
Fantastic - amazing shot! V
Guest 16-Aug-2009 14:36
I had already seen the same kind of picture with the shuttle and the's always great pictures . Wonderful.VVVVV
Brugge 27-Jan-2009 10:52
Unbelieveble! great image!
Peter Zetner12-Aug-2008 23:17
What an outstanding shot! Congratulations. V.
Debi10-Jul-2008 08:42
Wow! What a shot. :)
Guest 06-Oct-2007 11:19
Wow! Thats a million dollar shot.
Guest 16-Jun-2007 20:40
mighty ompressive image-voted
Guest 23-Nov-2006 08:16
very cool shot! DD
Guest 03-Sep-2006 11:00
I didn't know Jumbo's flew that high :)