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Greg Bradley | all galleries >> Galleries >> greg_bradley_astrophotos > IC2944 Ha LRGB 110 60 30 30 60 Total of 4 hours 50 minutes
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IC2944 Ha LRGB 110 60 30 30 60 Total of 4 hours 50 minutes

FLI Proline 16803,AP140 Tak flattener F7.5,Astrodon Gen 11 filters
Taken at my dark site observatory in remote NSW over 2 nights.
The first night seeing was great, the 2nd night it was fairly poor. AP140 using a Tak 4 inch flattener and an Astrodon MMOAG off axis guider and Lodestar guide camera on a Paramount MX mount. full exif

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Pete Hemington27-Feb-2012 17:19
Another great image, a great reward for you patience