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Greg Bradley | all galleries >> Galleries >> greg_bradley_astrophotos > Triffid and Lagoon Ha O111LRGB 60 60 40 15 15 15 3 hours and 25 minutes
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Triffid and Lagoon Ha O111LRGB 60 60 40 15 15 15 3 hours and 25 minutes

FLI Proline 16803 CCD,TEC110 Oiled Fluorite triplet,Astrdon Gen 11 filters
This is first light for the rare TEC110FL and one of the very few images posted using this scope (I am only aware of one other).
Taken on a Paramount ME mount piggybacked on top of a Planewave CDK17. Guiding through a MMOAG on the CDK and an SBIG ST402ME.
Taken over a few nights at my home observatory in NSW Australia full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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