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Greg Bradley | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> greg_bradley_astrophotos tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
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Cats Paw and NGC 6357 Nebulas
Cats Paw and NGC 6357 Nebulas
47 Tucanae L+ synthetic LRGB30 85 30 10 25
47 Tucanae L+ synthetic LRGB30 85 30 10 25
Omega Centauri 8 x 10mins
Omega Centauri 8 x 10mins
47 Tucanae LRGB 105 30 10 25
47 Tucanae LRGB 105 30 10 25
Rosette Nebula LRGB 30 30 30 30 Ha
Rosette Nebula LRGB 30 30 30 30 Ha
Vela SNR O111 Ha S11 O111 75 90 60
Vela SNR O111 Ha S11 O111 75 90 60
Eta CarinaHa Lum  S11 x 2 Ha x 2 O111x10 45 135 60 V7.jpg
Eta CarinaHa Lum S11 x 2 Ha x 2 O111x10 45 135 60 V7.jpg
NGC 3576 LRGB 30 30 30 30 1x1 2x2
NGC 3576 LRGB 30 30 30 30 1x1 2x2
Vela SNR Mosaic
Vela SNR Mosaic
Vela O111LRGB 60 30 60 60
Vela O111LRGB 60 30 60 60
Vela Supernova Remnant
Vela Supernova Remnant
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