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free2run | all galleries >> landscape & nature >> Art from Nature > Storm over the farm
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Storm over the farm

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Guest 05-Jan-2009 17:54
Spectacular! What a moment and very good job. Congrat
anuschka30-Mar-2008 21:10
Great! V.
Ashley Hockenberry29-Mar-2008 19:56
Guest 28-Mar-2008 19:58
Great and dramatic. V
Yiannis Pavlis25-Mar-2008 01:03
My best complement.Voted.
J. Scott Coile24-Mar-2008 18:43
Powerful. Great spot of the light!
J Rayner24-Mar-2008 12:04
love this - great landscape and sky
nige5024-Mar-2008 11:24
Dramatic sky, like it
Thomas24-Mar-2008 08:12
another winner, love the sky, V
Bryan Murahashi24-Mar-2008 05:21
Beautiful spot of light in this dramatic scene. V
Nikhil Bahl24-Mar-2008 02:50
Stunning image. Well composed. v