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The tree

Olympus C-5060WZ
1/100s f/5.6 at 8.3mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Yves Dubois21-Jan-2010 01:35
what rule!!? gorgeous shot.
Marc Demoulin29-Jan-2009 20:00
So simple and wonderful!! vVv
Marco Valk01-Jan-2009 18:46
love the bulls eye composition. beautiful winter image. Happy new year!
David Jolley22-Dec-2008 01:57
Beautiful capture.
Laura Sebastianelli08-Jan-2008 23:24
Beautifully captured moment of a magically transient time of the day.
Robyco04-Jan-2008 21:24
This is ART !!! (V)
well composed and great colors at the horizon...
Jean-Gregoire Marin26-Dec-2007 21:27
Magnifique !
Guest 29-Sep-2007 01:15
Beautiful Shot V
Arthur Lebacq10-Sep-2007 22:28
Congrats for this beautiful picture.
Bill Paige30-Aug-2007 01:24
Ashley Hockenberry28-May-2007 20:06
Stunning !!
snootydog25-Apr-2007 01:17
God you're good
pep16-Apr-2007 22:39
Another great one. Where do you find these sights??!
Guest 09-Feb-2007 05:19
STUNNING ! ! ! Big V
Guest 08-Feb-2007 19:44
Thats stunning! Certainly tells the story of our northern world in winter!
Guest 07-Feb-2007 18:06
Kathy Thompson01-Feb-2007 07:56
Wonderfully beautiful! Beautiful exposure and delicate colours.
Terri Steele01-Feb-2007 01:09
Voted! Stunning composition and color... Wow!
René Gysi27-Jan-2007 07:38
Superb composition with great light.
Guest 26-Jan-2007 23:38
Wow, this is absolutely beautiful! Excellent!
Glendower26-Jan-2007 21:06
Wonderful light and shadow in this beautiful image.
Rich Westfall26-Jan-2007 20:16
Wow! Very dramatic, Wei.
Victoria26-Jan-2007 19:13
This is stunning , gorgeous shot :)
Rob Rosetti26-Jan-2007 18:55
Fantastic atmosphere! A powerful nature image!
Guest 26-Jan-2007 18:18
a stunning image, very moody.
nomadicdragon26-Jan-2007 18:02
Beautiful shot. Outstanding Comp. V.
Gordon W26-Jan-2007 17:39
Outstanding shot! Always nice to see it when breaking the 'Rule' of Thirds works so well.