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The waterlily

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Guest 05-Sep-2006 23:43
very nice. Great colors, I like the other two shots of this location too. A bit of a coincidence too, here is my photo for the day...
Alf Terje Vollan05-Sep-2006 20:21
Beutiful light.
Victoria05-Sep-2006 18:02
This is an awesome capture , lovely indeed
Rob Rosetti05-Sep-2006 15:02
Outstanding! Love the light and the defocused bits of sunset light.
Bryan Murahashi05-Sep-2006 15:01
Very nice light and shot.
Rich Westfall05-Sep-2006 14:31
Beautiful shot. Wonderful lighting and detail.
Peg O'Brien05-Sep-2006 14:05
Very cool photo, Wei. DOF makes it even more interesting. v
Big Mike05-Sep-2006 13:33
Beautiful capture... gmv!
Silvia Roitman05-Sep-2006 13:32
very nice colours & lighting!!