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Storm (color version)

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Guest 02-Feb-2007 03:29
This is a great capture. You have done a great job here. V
Tamara 06-Jan-2007 17:16
W O W! Your capture gives a real feeling of need .... to find safety - get going! Beautiful ~
Maxim Popykin14-Dec-2006 15:18
Incredible shot~~~ you are lucky man
Robert Charity19-Sep-2006 13:19
well done, V
Bryan Ramsay28-Jun-2006 10:39
WOW! Very nicely captured! I'll bet this storm got your attention when it passed over! -BJ GMV
Vilone28-Jun-2006 02:45
Beautiful work, Wei!Vote
Rob Rosetti27-Jun-2006 15:23
Well, I think this color version is more powerful than the b&w one. Lovely tones and shades of colors. V Roberto
Guest 27-Jun-2006 07:27
oh, mine! wei, this is so great. i can imagine it in big print. it will be so frightening. very good job in the processing. it's such a great scene and you've captured it so well. love it.

Guest 27-Jun-2006 03:56
W-O-W!!! This is excellent!!
Absolutely beautiful!!!
Wei O'Connell27-Jun-2006 03:02
Absolutely beautiful. Love color version more. voted.
Mindy McNaugher27-Jun-2006 01:44
A bit scary, but stunning!! Absolutely incredible capture! Vote!