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Matthiessen State Park, IL

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Guest 26-Dec-2010 06:31
Yes is like ZEN world...
Pieter Bos03-Sep-2010 05:50
Beautiful shot!
kennygan01-Sep-2010 14:35
Beauty. Zen gallery.
Guest 15-Jul-2010 06:42
Very interesting place. Beautiful.
Brugge 05-Jul-2010 16:18
Very nice! fabulous colours
carol j. phipps20-Jun-2010 16:00
Soothing image with great line, color, and focus. V
anne17-Jun-2010 01:29
excellent shot !!............V
J. Scott Coile16-Jun-2010 15:24
Definitely a tool for focus and centering in a garden journey.
s_barbour16-Jun-2010 12:43
Simplicity at it's finest...beautiful shot Wei!
Jean-Claude Liehn16-Jun-2010 05:01
Superb colors.
Digital Nuts16-Jun-2010 04:36
Stunning image...
kmahbub16-Jun-2010 03:02
Beautifully simple!
Guest 16-Jun-2010 02:15
Life's path . . . like this a lot.