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Somewhere in Illinois

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carol j. phipps12-Jan-2011 16:46
Another outstanding scene! V
Aaron Keigher28-Jul-2010 03:16
great color in the sky and fields. I love the leading lines.
Buba Jafarli24-Jun-2010 19:53
A classic shot! Very impressive! V.
Ali Majdfar17-Jun-2010 05:34
Splendid capture! ~V
Brian Collins Art14-Jun-2010 21:57
joanteno14-Jun-2010 20:41
J. Scott Coile14-Jun-2010 19:26
Monumental landscape.
Bill Gallagher14-Jun-2010 19:08
Excellent golden light. V
Cornelis Heijkant 14-Jun-2010 17:32
Very nice evening shot of a vast cornfield and warmly coloured sky. v.
s_barbour14-Jun-2010 14:13
Exquisite image Wei, the lighting and colour are just amazing! V
Guest 14-Jun-2010 13:56
Beautiful golden capture!
Alina14-Jun-2010 11:17
Beautiful shot, v
Michal Zaleski14-Jun-2010 06:35
I like this warm light. beautiful. V!
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)14-Jun-2010 05:49
Nice mood,great capture.My vote